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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with some more Full Metal Alchemist: Brrrrrrrhrd and we're pretty jaw dropped with this weeks episode! 

We immediately get a lil' window into this refugee camp and everyone is getting along just fine! 

A big team up of Mai, Marcoh, Jerso and Zampano is what it takes to take Envy down! For a min we thought they were dead but they're just an adorable lil' shitty tadpole! 

We'll call him Mr. Pickles. 


Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Got some ONE PIECE dropping a touch later, so keep an eye out! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of Olivier's borderline fash-y characterization. Like I sorta see where they tried to go with it, but it's more fitting of Kimblee's character in that, in a chaotic evil way, he admires absolute strength and dedication to principles you have, whatever the side. And while Olivier does care about her brother, I'm always left with a bad taste cause she sees him as emasculated (yikes) for... not being committed to a literal ethnic cleansing? The only explanation I could go deeper with it is that maybe if Major Armstrong was 100% with being against the military, made a complete decision in Ishaval to say "fuck this", leave, be court martialed for dereliction of duty, then he would have her respect? But he stayed, still committed genocide, bowed to the military and still served post-Ishvalan extermination. I see the "weakness" in that respect, but then we're still left with, if Major Armstrong was originally on board with a genocide, is that *really* worth more respect in the big picture? A small blight on a character I like.


Its full steam ahead from here on out, things are gonna get crazy! And these guys are gonna have a field day with a certain scene next ep lol


Its just who she is. I don't think we need to sanitize awful personality trails in people just to make them more likable. I think it makes the writing stronger.. and if it was only the Kimblee psychopath type who acted in this way...genocide & destruction would never happen. Its not the psychopaths who are military commanders after all.. its more people like Olivier. I like the fact that a single character can be so deeply admirable & loathsome.