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Hey hey Patrons! 

So we'll be dropping these adventures with Luffy and the gang on Tuesdays! 

And got the Clown Prince of Pirates makes his big live-action debut! Buggy is a delight! 

We're really digging the Joel Schumacher/Edgar Wright kinda zaniness that this show is treating its material! 

They're cueing up a face-off with Koby now that they're gonna be a Marine! 

Also, where did Luffy's accent go when he was a kid? 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We're popping off FMAB tomorrow, GOT and Cowoby Bebop! 


The Watchers in the Bar




Joined just for One Piece! So glad you all are watching the show 😊


the creator of one piece has confirmed it’s a physical thing, not ‘the friends we made along the way’ -.-

Tim Chaos

Good to know, I was like 97.5% sure it’d be The Power of Friendship lol