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We're back and HOLY LORD the shit is going down! 

For this 7th episode of Season 1, we get maybe one of the best character introductions ever in one of the best bits of casting of this show ever, the great Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister! 

Osha continues to warn Maester Luwin about the White Walkers! 

Bobby B kicks the bucket but not before a really poignant recanting of his will to kill Dany, which is surprisingly effective! 

Dany is nearly poisoned and Jorah who is spying on her but loves her but also wants a pardon but also saves her, it's a whole thing. 

Ned makes a big play DECIDES TO TELL HIS ADVERSARY ABOUT IT and Cersei promptly serves him a piping hot cup of "go fuck yourself" with Littlefinger holding the damn knife! 

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We got a ton more this week! Vox tomorrow! Some new movie watches and the finale of Death Note! 


The Watchers in the Bar



Robert L

Littlepenis sucks.

rickie woodson

this is my first time noticing a touch of the infamous targaryan madness in viserys when he confronts dany in the hut before he dies. he looked INSANE. and how he acted after it was stated he would get what he "is owed", how relaxed and calm and a little giddy as if he didnt just threaten to kill his sister and her unborn baby two seconds ago in front of her DARTHRAKI HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? MAD! maybe i was just too much in my feelings of "kill this bitch how dare you!" to notice the performance all 8 times before (yes i've watched this show 8 times not counting reactions so what!) but yeah. thanks for the rewatch! its been a fun ride