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Hey hey Patrons!

We're back on schedule with Vox Machina and we're getting some WILD BACKSTORY with Vex and Vax's dickhead DAD! 

 Also, the casting of Henry Winkler as Wilhand, the cutest great-great-grandpa you ever did see, as we hang with a less swol Grogg with Pike's hometown as well and what brought her and Grogg so close together! 

We love that most of Vex's motivation is to prove her jerk Pops wrong! 

And we learn where our next Vestige is and its in the hands of Grog's Uncle! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang!


Cyberpunk tomorrow and Death Note Pen-Ultimate episode drops this weekend yall! 


The Watchers in the Bar




Let's just say that the pervert is a Traveler of sorts.


Two moments from the original stream I'm going to highlight for the equivalent of this episode. The first is just a funny moment that couldn't happen in the show because they split the party (in the stream everyone went to the fae realm): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhsLKQgJOXw And the second is the original stream version of "you'll have to amend one name", which is probably up there in terms of moments that got the biggest crowd reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9FeIbgDFK0