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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back and IN OUR FEELS about this episode of FMA:B! 

Ling shows off his prowess and takes off the top of Gluttony's friggin' head in his head-to-head showdown with Bradley!

We get Winry flashbacks, some really amazing battles with Scar and SUCH A POWERFUL MOMENT with Scar and Winry, and then....


A truly world-shifting episode. 

Hit up this exclusive link to hang! 


We got TONS more stuff to get through this week! Temp of Doom Next Monday! Vox Machina, Cyberpunk, more GoT with Angel and DeathNote! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



Vincent G

Damn, such a good episode. The next few are on par or better. So begins another week of waiting for the next one 🥲


Yup, I always get so excited when a new video drops, followed by the immediate sadness of having to wait another week for the next one! We definitely got spoiled with the twice-a-week AoT reactions 😭 Abe's edits are always fantastic though.


didn't know early access meant blurred video :( :( all good though, excellent reaction.


Yup, Mustang was involved in the Ishval war. He mentioned be good at "burning corspes" a few episodes ago. As for the rest of his team, i won't say. Anyway, good reaction! I look forward to the next one!

John Cedar

"Your hands aren't meant to kill" is still one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. The way this episode and series as a whole deals with war and genocide is exactly how it needs to be taught in schools. Full transparency and accountability. Your audience should absolutely be shocked, uncomfortable, and generally upset. If they're not, you're probably leaving something important out. Get someone who survived it to come and talk about it if you can. The primary thing we should be thinking about when watching and recounting these tragedies is how we can prevent them from happening ever again.


It’s for copy right reasons! :) takes a sec to get used to but you can click play on your own vid of the episode when they say 123 go, and watch along with them :)


ugh one of my favorite episodes of the series! So good