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Sup Jerk Benders!

Well if this isn't a redemption arc worthy of Zuko, we don't know what is!

We had scoured every SD card, looked in every drive and we had thought that Sean's audio on his mic for 4x12-13 were lost forever. Low and FUCKING BEHOLD, clearing out some stuff a few days ago, a drive literally fell to Sean's feet, he popped it in and WAH-fuckin'-LAH, we found the old files!

So figured it was only proper to re-release these episodes at their best possible quality cause we were flat gutted that we were coming up short on our last bow in the ATLA-verse until we get the Netflix Live Action Show (this year?) and the first Avatar Studios feature in 2025!

So enjoy these new, not-ass-sounding episodes of the penultimate and finale of Korra in one of the fave properties that we will ever cover on this channel!

Kuvira is lay waste to the city in full-on Battle-Shonen mode and the shit is getting desperate and real!

We get the team banding together to figure a way into this giant Voltron Mech-Suit while Prince Wu summons a badger mole and finally starts to earn his keep as the Earth King!

Do the spirits actually wanna take out the entirety of Republic City with this huge Lazer!?

And end with essentially all but confirming out KorSami Ship and we wring that out for all of the lascivious material you could think of!

Follow these exclusive links to hang!





It is hard to put into words how special this series and world and you guys have been to us and we can't be more thankful for you guys sticking with us and we're glad we can restore the quality that you guys deserve!


The Watchers in the Bar



rickie woodson

just putting this comment here cause i havent got a reply yet but i sent a direct message to you guys asking about that 50 dollar tier.