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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with theeeeese two Alchemist Brothers and we got some WILD fights and face-offs in this episode that we are LOVING! 

We get Greed and the Animal Crew sporting the gnarliest Mega Mullet you've ever seen! 

Morgan is basically #TeamChimera at this point, but these fights are exceptionally brutal! 

Some more flashbacks from Al's POV of when he was Tranmutated and it's crazy hard to watch in parts!

And we finally get a look at everyone ALL TOGETHER, with us having called King Bradley as Wrath and DADDY ELRICH IS BEHIND IT ALL! 

Also, RIP GREED, we dug the cut of your jib!

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got a new MMM on the way and more Death Note and CYBERPUNK AND VOX MACHINA just days away! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




I was looking forward to this reaction! The Wrath reveal is always awesome and yeah the guy has a lot of names lol. Your theories and speculation were also fun to hear!


I've been watching you guys for a while but never commented, just wanted to say you guys are probably my favorite reactors (not just of this show, but in general)! Such a great mix of hilariousness at times and serious, insightful commentary at others. Definitely makes my day whenever you guys upload. The only sad thing is having to wait for a year+ to see you guys get to the end of the show!


Oh and just to clarify some things in the discussion, though you might already know: The original show's 51-episode run (Brotherhood is 64ep) caught up to the manga roughly around the 25th episode mark, meaning the second half was "made up". For this show, to avoid retelling all that/to get to the new stuff, the beginning was compressed (as you guys mentioned), with things like Nina's story and Edwards' exams each being multiple episodes, more time spent with Hughes, Edward catching Barry the Butcher (as a human before he was put into the armor), stopping Yoki (the thin mustache guy who wants revenge on them), and other various changes, though other comments have probably mentioned all that, as you talked about in the discussion. Anyway, the main point I wanted to add is around this episode is where they've now "caught up", (for comparison, Hughes died in episode 25 of the original when they branch off as opposed to episode 10 here). From here on out, it's completely different from the 2003 show and follows the manga closely, meaning it's no longer compressed/they don't speed through the rest, so the pacing definitely improves. I know you guys are a few episodes ahead so you may have noticed, but just wanted to clarify the rest of the show isn't as rushed!

Tim Chaos

Well said! I’ve wanted to say something like this myself but I knew I’d get long-winded lol


Only 1 more episode until my favorite character in the entire show is introduced.

Tim Chaos

I will say, even though early Brotherhood feels a bit rushed, I feel moreso that the OG series dragged its feet. A few of the arcs really didn't need multiple episodes and we got some odd filler, like I wanna say there's an episode where Mustang and his crew go on a scooby-doo adventure to find out if a warehouse is haunted? There's a few Great Divides in there lol


Oh absolutely. It’s been a number of years since I saw the original, I totally forgot about the haunted warehouse haha! At least Barry/Yoki reappeared here, but I seem to recall a number of filler/“Great Divides” that went nowhere and had no plot importance. Wasn’t there also like a whole story about a thief in a bunny costume or something?

Tim Chaos

Lol right there was! A random Catwoman-esque thief! Forgot about her. There was a lot more “…and after all that, we’re no closer to finding the Philosopher’s Stone 😔”


Turns out the real philosophers stone was the friends we made along the way