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Hey hey Patrons! 

Welp, we're here with the last of The Last of Us and we're feeling some type of way about it! 

Joel and Ellie are acting like proper StepDad and Daughters now! Complete with Pop-pop trying to hard and teenage girl being wantonly disaffected until she sees something she likes (all of which are totally understandable but you get it!). 

The Giraffe moment is a serene moment and probably be the last truly happy moment we'll share with these two. 

And holy fuck are the Fireflies dumb as dogshit. 

Props to Marlene for going Full Stark and just doing the noble thing but 1000% the dumbest shit she could have ever done. 

Joel does a real bad thing, then doubles down and lies about it to Ellie and she fuckin' knows it. Whether literally or she suspects it, she knows and it's a wonderfully complex nugget to leave us for S2, which we both love and hate. 

Also, shoutout to Ashley Johnson the OG Ellie! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got some DeathNote on the way and back on track with our regular scheduled drops! 


The Watchers in the Bar  






It’s honestly really poetic how they got Ellie’s original actress to play Ellie’s mom in the show. Like in a way she really did ‘birth’ Ellie considering how much of Ellie’s personality traits (such as swearing a shit ton, being a little chaos gremlin who can go feral and fuck people up, etc) originally stem from Ashley’s portrayal of the character (and honestly just Ashley herself lmaooo). They even changed the gameplay in the original 2013 game to have Ellie be more proactive and aggressive in combat because of Ashley’s insistence that she’d be way more aggro irl. Super cool to almost see like a passing of the torch moment after Ashley’s played the character for almost a decade (not to say she won’t do it again in the future but it’s all speculation for now lol.)


Just watching the first part so far, but to note: they know exactly where the Fireflies are. There's a map in episode 6.


Also, imagine getting that sudden ending with the ‘Okay’ and then waiting SEVEN YEARS for the sequel. Honestly for years people treated it kinda like the ending of Inception where the interpretation was up to you and a lot of people thought a sequel would ruin that lol.


The Fireflies aren't really dumb. I don't think they expected him to trauma-bond with Ellie. She was just cargo. No need to kill him.


As soon as he Screams like an insane person "TAKE ME TO HER NOW!" you put a bullet in his head. Only a liability at that point

Evan Pullio-Puder

It had less to do with the Fireflies being dumb and more with Marlene just being a genuinely good person. She thought Joel deserved to know the truth and definitely did not want to kill him after all he did.


To me, Joel didn’t tell Ellie the truth because of the fear she would want to go back and sacrifice herself. Joel didn't want her to have a choice because he couldn't lose another daughter. His decision was selfish, understandably so.


I liked how they gave Ellie Blade's origin story in the show. I don't think is was touched on in the game. She really is Bellie! lol I don't think Joel's suicide attempt was mentioned in the game either but i thought that was a nice moment between the, As for the fireflies, if they were smart, Joel's ass would have woken up on the freeway. But i think Marlene's guilt got the better of her and thought he deserved to know. Mercy is not taken kindly in this world. And Joel killing the Fauci of Cordyseps is bound to have ramifications. I enjoyed your discussion on that. I look forward to your reactions to season two!


One thought I've had is whether it would even be ethical to ask Ellie to make this choice. I'm not sure you can ethically ask someone whether they're willing to sacrifice themselves for humanity. That might carry too much weight, too much social, moral pressure.


Repeat of my comment on the YT: I played the game back in 2014/2013. I remember getting to the doctor and being like "Can I not do this?" And the game waits you out until you do it. No choice. It's the most vivid memory of a game that I have.


i agree. the moment of “it wasn’t time that did it” was beautiful. i loved it. also yeah i agree, or they would’ve lied and said ellie chose to sacrifice herself. but i think joel would’ve seen through that bs too.


Interesting tbh because I felt in the game they kind of made an effort to portray the Fireflies as one of the more incompetent factions out there in the world (or at the very least naive). I think Marlene sympathised with Joel and wanted to give him a chance to go peacefully but was too naive to realise he wouldn’t just say and throw a temper tantrum, he’d go full Joel Wick and Columbine the whole hospital.