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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back and ......

I mean.....


An emotional juggernaut. 

A (literally in this sense) game changer. 

A feat of storytelling in TV to beat in 2023. 

Absolutely beautiful. 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got a lot more PRL catch-up happening, new Shitty Movie Night and more Full Metal Alchemist and Death Note on the way! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Have been waiting MONTHS for this reaction. As soon as I saw Bill in the first trailers I knew it was going to be powerful.


Not a spoiler here, but I have to admit, I LOVE this Bill over the game version of him!

Joel Mason

All the snowflake homophobes coming out the woodwork to review bomb. Already the lowest rated episode by far.


Hope they all get set on fire and faceplant into an electric fence

Scott Louis

Absolutely devastating and beautiful. 🥹🥹🥹🥹

Abbey P.

I stand by Bill being a Will & Grace stan. He married Megan Mullally 😂 Also, I so appreciate the choices to maximize the storytelling potential in this episode bc Bill's storyline in the game is SO different and more of a moral lesson for Joel to not be so cold and detached from the world, and instead of making the sad dying people apocalypse show more sad they chose to flip it and use Bill as an image of how you can change and embrace love and beauty in life.


This episode is such an amazing expansion to these characters story from the game. Things may have changed need differently for them but I couldn’t have asked for a better expansion on the source material. I was a wreck at the end of the show and I’m still trying to recover


This episode was an emotional assassination. I didn't expect them to create such a well-crafted expanded storyline for Bill and Frank. I got more and more anxious as the episode went on because they were so happy and satisfied, but I'm glad to see that sometimes all things that are well ends well. I don't think I'll forget this episode for a long long time.


It's not a complete character rebuild but it did give us gamers a deeper ( and really emotionally engaging) look into a history we only get hints of in the game itself. And a different path for the relationship to have taken. What a great piece of TV work ( aside from minor quibbles like survivalist Bill standing out in the open on a street during a firefight 😄)


I was bawling my eyes out. Goddang.


Thanks for the YT link, from someone who prefers to playlist their day through YT and not bounce back between YT and Vimeo or whatever 😄


Some YT comment threads on this episode are so dismaying. It is amazing in 2023 that some people are reflexively opposed to two consenting adults finding happiness with each other And likely a large Venn diagram intersection with people who ironically don't want the government or others telling they themselves how to live. 🙃

Sneaky Poptart

"That's far enough camera" lol. It was a perfect ending showing the open window leaving our last memory of Bill and Frank with a happy ending of them together.