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HEY Hey Patrons,

We're back at it for... Shinigami Saturday!!!

Light continues his decent, our crush on Ryuk gets more intense and L ramps things up in the investigation and we get a better look at him as well!

"Dealings" has us really into this latest anime addition to our lineup!

Follow this EXCLUSIVE link to hang:


Got some more cool stuff comin' y'alls way and have a great weekend!


The Watchers in the Bar



Reuben Filimaua

Solid reactions! And love how much you're enjoying the english dub performances. They're so dramatic but it fits the show 😂 Anyway regarding the established rules we've been given thus far.. you can't just write your name to live long cos humans already have fated set in stone lifespans. If you were gonna set a time limit for yourself, it would have to be within that already set lifespan.

Leyang Bai

I wonder how much of Lights indiscriminate murder with the full trust of the news and police force as his guide is also indicative of the Japanese justice system, which is notorious for its extremely high conviction rate.