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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with a really emotionally fraught episode of THEEESE TWO ELRICH BROTHERS! 

We get a really wild initial fight with Scar vs Gluttony! And Gluttony would do well to suck 'em dry and we don't care how bad that sounds! 

Also, we really like Seshka, the bookkeeper with a damn near Photographic Memory! 

And we're a touch confused about the emotional dynamics of this ending and we are awaiting the commenters to sound off! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


New Wednesday and PRL dropping soon! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




So many things to say, but this show is so good at exposition, much like ATLA, that I simply can't comment because I want to watch you guys as it unfolds. Giggety. Toothless head=I am ded. Talkin' bout Pinako's pot handle like that...Pinako was a hottie in her day. But you already knew that, didn'cha? ;)


This was a good reaction! The story really picks up from here! What exactly confused you about the ending?