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Hey hey Patrons!

Okay, we're sorry, but Yeti Ice Monster themed dance, DJ BloodSuckaz, the Fall's biggest Tiktok dance, AND a FUCKING BLOOD RAVE!?!? 

This might be the best Prom EVER! We know it's not Prom Prom but you get it! 

We're digging the further cracking of the icy veneer of Wednesday as she makes more friends and softens on perhaps would-be enemies! Her talk with Bianca stands out as a fave scene! 

How dead is this coroner too? Like if you're quitting DO NOT talk about how much fun you're going to have after you're gone. Horror Movie Rules 101! 

And KEEP EUGENE SAFE!!! Even though his dumb ass should have hung back like Wednesday said! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got a bunch of stuff coming down the pipe so keep your eyes peeled! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



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