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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with the penultimate episode of Andor with a very exciting, solemn, and emotional crescendo! 

Have you EVER felt more for a droid than B2-EMO upon learning of Marva's off-screen death? 

We have NEVER been more down to sell Mon Mothma's daughter up the child-bride river after her weird Hand-Maid's Tale meeting with her zealot friends!  

Luthen's fucking space traffic stop turned cop-car chase, turned ship Darth Maul double-sided Tie-fighter slicer! 

And the show hits us with one of the simplest and most emotionally effective scenes of just getting that ill-fated call about a loved ones passing. 

Whew, this show, goddamn this show... 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Thanks so much for hanging with us! We're taking a look at what to queue up for a reaction series once Andor is done! 

It seems to be up in the air to either check out WILLOW, the sequel series of the 80s move that we all had a ball with OR rocking some Extraordinary Attourney Woo? We might do a poll for it! Tell us what you think! Korra will be dropping shortly as well! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Personally, I'm convinced Marva faked her death. Too much as been set up about her wanting to aid the Rebellion, the tunnels under the hotel the imperial garrison is using, and the "daughters of Ferrix" talking about her not talking her pill in front of the ISB spy to sell the lie. Which makes sense they wouldn't tell the droid, because the droid can't lie.