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Sup Jerks! 

We're back with some more Korra and we'll be not missing another week until we're finished with this show and we thank you kindly for your patience! 

But this is a banger! 

More trips to the spirit realm are always welcomed! 

The face-off between Kuvira and Su is one of our fave fights of the entire show (with Toph showing up to boot)! 

Also, we are introduced to the shittiest, dumbest most worthless fucking Sky-Bison that the Four Nations have ever seen, Juicy. 

Not sure how we get to where we get with Juicy, his snotty nose, but it's one of our weirdest and funniest post-ep discussions ever! 

Follow this password-protected link to hang! 


Password: DIEJuicy!


The Watchers in the Bar



Andrew W

I think the Suyin vs Kuvira fight in this episode might be my favorite action sequence in all of the Avatar-verse (although the Agni-Kai between Zuko and Azula had more emotional weight) - pure hype moment. I'm never going to be able to look at Juicy the same again, you monsters!


Well its been quite a while, but better later that never i always say, good to see Korra back, yall know us Avatar fans have been with this channel for a while now, come on guys, just 3 more episodes and we can put a cap to the whole saga! at least for now lol


heh. Uncut and Full episodes.... LIKE WHAT WE PUT IN JUICY'S NOSE? AMI RIGHT? GUYS? ANYONE?


Jess's favorite part, as always, which we hope you keep in... was watching Dustin's soul die a little bit more every moment of that conversation.


Aww poor Juicy, he doesn't deserve this slander lmao

Ashton D

I've waited months...years even for Morgan to see Juicy and fall in love with him like I did. And y'all degrade him like this?! Look what they did to my boy! Just a nut covered giant shih tzu 😂😂😂