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Sup Jerks! 

We're back with a long overdue venture back to the Four Nations although NOT AT ALL the banger of any episode that I'm sure people really wanted this to be! 

A few fun conceits but mostly, what seems like a really cynically forced or shoehorned-in previous gag reel or REMEMBER WHEN episodes that we grew up with in the 80s and 90s! 

Recount all of your fave moments AGAIN... AGAIN with us experiencing it for the first time! 

I'm sure this comes off like a prank watching reactors rock this episode and we are glad that SOMEONE is getting enjoyment out of it! 

Follow this password-protected link to hang! 


Password: CanWeGetARealEp

Thanks again for your patience y'all its been a crushing 6 weeks but we're getting back on track and that's thanks to you guys! 


The Watchers in the Bar




While I agree that this episode just doesn’t hit very well, I think it has some good qualities and value to it. Particularly the conversation between Asami & Korra is a very meaningful one for Korra as she’s finally talking to one of her closest friends about her trauma & self-doubt, and Tenzin’s speech about her growth fuels me to eyeroll harder at the people who call Korra a Mary Sue who has no growth. And of course the villains’ Mean Girls phone call lol Mako’s recount is the most uncomfortable, being about the relationships, but it honestly helps contextualize how that relationship has served his narrative moving forward & makes me appreciate him for his growth too. And since it’s first, we get it out of the way quick and dive into the more interesting parts of the episode

Andrew W

Ugh, this episode is essentially the cherry on top of the shit sundae Nickelodeon pulled with this show's schedule/budget in S4. If I recall the details correctly, they slashed the funding after production had already begun and they were committed to providing 13 episodes, and left the creators with a choice - either lay off staff members or cut an episode's worth of cost from the budget somehow. They had to make this episode (originally slotted to be a Kuvira backstory episode) into a clip show to avoid firing some of their guys, I respect the choice they made - 100% the right call, IMO - but the tradeoff was getting this complete 'blah' of an episode right near the end of the entire series (Varick's bit is legitimately funny, so props for that at least). Hilarious to think that now Nick has gone back to the creators looking to recapture what they had with this universe. I believe Kuvira's backstory got worked into one of the continuation comics, but certainly would have been nice to see as an episode in the show itself!


Sean, here is the context that everyone else is talking about, from one of the co-creator's tumblr back in the day: https://bryankonietzko.tumblr.com/post/103173899927/a-few-preemptive-words-about-episode-408

Natasha Padparadscha

Can't wait for Morgan to be extremely happy with the ending

William Abbott

They have really been milking Korra this year. We wont even finish until December at this rate. Oh well I still remember watching season 1 of avatar with them so it's going to be a trip when it all ends. Does anyone know if they already watched the current season of Cobrai Kai.


we'll be done in 5-6 weeks and Cobra Kai unfortunately cost us money to cover so like Clone Wars we're discontinuing it

Jenny D

I think the parts of this episode that I would clip to watch again or whatever would be Shiro Shinobi because he’s the GOAT, the lines where Mako’s family and Wu roast him for being a fuckboy, the little Korrasami moment before the flashback starts (I mean really, Asami thought Korra, master of firebending and airbending, was cold? Ok girl, I see you), and then all of Varrick’s. But really this whole episode should’ve been a Varrick Mover because it would’ve been the perfect LoK version of Ember Island Players. I lowkey think this episode was the biggest reason Varrick became a favorite for most of the fandom, because his character really was the perfect way to make this boring episode somewhat entertaining.

Jenny D

Also, the creators didn’t know the show was only going to be aired online back when they made this episode. The show was pulled from cable for the final five episodes of season 3 and then all of season 4, and those seasons aired only a few months apart. Basically it went digital on August 1st, 2014 and the show’s final 2 episodes aired on December 14th, 2014.


So the only antidote to this is Sean and the gang (maybe Abe editing?) to create a clip show out of your reactions and release it instead of this one. Makes sense.


aww yeah this ep is such filler. I think Im more here for the commentary this ep. It is cool being reminded of some stuff but they coulda done it in a more fun way.


budget cuts, I remember reading before this episode came out they had to cut staff but instead chose to create this clips episode so everyone could keep their job


After Nickelodeon cut the budget for season 4 by about the amount required for one episode, DiMartino and Konietzko decided to include a clip show episode, which reuses previously produced animation, instead of letting many of the creative staff go. Inspired by Samurai Champloo's clip show episode "The Disorder Diaries", they chose to frame a series of edited clips from the previous seasons of The Legend of Korra with about five minutes of new animation. Aired as episode 8, "Remembrances", the clip show was also intended as "a lighthearted romp" similar to Avatar: The Last Airbender's episode "The Ember Island Players" before the series enters it (SOURCE wiki)

rickie woodson

to be fair, they are just following in the footsteps of avatar: last season, lets do a clip show! they just did a better and more interesting job of it with the play. i personally liked the beginning cause it had prince woo jumping in to add some flava to it