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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with Rings of Power and JAYSUS LORD this is a wild one! 

This is a big battle episode and WE BRING THE BATTLE including Arondir with a mouthful of Orc Blood! 

Morgan is full #TeamOrc and Adar in this episode, but to her credit, there is A LOT of interesting stuff with Galadriel's singular ferociousness! 

And we DONE MADE A MORDOR! Wild action, some interesting ideas, crazy stunts, easily the best episode of this season! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Korra dropping later tonight! Attack on Titan dropping Thursday! 

Thanks guys! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



Aidan Pullen

In the books (outside LotR) Sauron started good. He started out wanting to bring order and structure to the world. But he was corrupted by Morgoth, and his own quest for power. His want for order turned into a desire for ultimate Domination and Subjugation. He started with "good" goals but they were quickly twisted. We hear Adar briefly mention that to try and support his own ideals. Also - the whole idea of elves being "pure" and "good-hearted" is kinda misleading. They are just as susceptible to corruption as anyone else. Galadriel has been on a quest to destroy Sauron and all his servants for CENTURIES. It's very difficult to break that pattern. I think over the course of this show we will see Galadriel grow and change from who she is right now to more like what we see in the Lord of the Rings.

Aidan Pullen

Y'all are also very spot on with your ideas about how Sauron does things; he is a MASTER manipulator. Convincing people he's right is his whole thing in this era. He's known as Sauron the Deceiver for a reason.