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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're nearing the end of our Attack on Titan run and it's definitely getting to be a LOT! 

Our dude Levi is truly in dire fucking straits, like, we knew he'd survive but he is looking super fuuuucked at the moment! 

The Rumbling is in full effect and it's just bewildering to see it actually happening! 

Also highlighting and re-contextualizing previous fights and destruction with the ride with Annie and Hitch! 

And OF COURSE, we get a heartbreaking backstory for Annie that completely stands in contrast with how we've viewed her since SEASON 1! 

Such great stuff, It'll be hard to believe when we're all finally caught up! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Korra and Andor will drop by tomorrow! Sorry for the hold-up! That and a new MMM dropping as well! 


The Watchers in the Bar





"The Rumbling is in full effect and it's just bewildering to see it actually happening!" Right?!

Sean Carroll

it hasnt even started yet my friends. "Children cling to their last coins"

Reddd Hunter

Fun thing for you guys to consider would be to go back and listen to all the openings and endings and rank them. In the endings especially there are little spoils scattered in them. Once you are caught up it should be fine to go back and watch / listen! Thanks for the content all!

Mike Donohue

Do they watch in sub or dub? I guess I never considered lol I’m sure it’s been mentioned


tell me u don't watch their videos without telling me u don't watch their videos

Belle M

they watch subs but have said before the sub version they have is different from Crunchyrolls


Holy shit, lol-- Moracle strikes again 2x in a row around the 30.5 minute mark. Folks, how does she do it. I couldn't get ANY predictions right in this show hahaha


Annie's 180 to caring about her dad is kinda the most unrealistic thing in the entire show lol