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Hey hey Patrons!

We're back with Morgan, Emil, and Sean to talk about ***BASICALLY*** at the end of the prologue of this season. Right? RIGHT?

We talk bout how much we love the term "Cunt-Struck"!

Also, how insanely fuckable these super-model sheep of the Vale must be, RIP LADY ROYCE WE HARDLY KNEW YE!

And Ser Incel Crispy Creme and all of the SHIT-HOUSE insanity of the Green Wedding!

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We appreciate and love all yall! Thank you so much for jumping on and being apart of the Channel!


The Watchers in the Bar




I recall an implied trans Lannister queen before Aegon decided to conquer. The maesters called them (they miss gender her, obviously) King (Queen) Loreon (Lorea) V Lannister. She literally wore her wife’s clothes to have a grand old time as a sex worker and getting some good dick.

Briana J

Yay! I'm so glad you got Morgan to do this rewatch episode since she's deep into the lore of this story.


I feel so bad for Laenor, my guy was just chilling having fun on his island and got thrown right into the fire


On Cole committing murder, am I the only one who interpreted the ‘knight of kisses’ or whatever his name was confronting Cole about his affair as an attempt at blackmail? I thought that was his motive for killing that guy. while still insane, it at least make sense as a motive for Cole. However, no one else seems to have pointed that out as his reason to murder, so am I reading too much into it?


I thought it was blackmail at first too, it wasn't until rewatching it I realized what he was actually saying lol


That was one of the popular theories I saw floating around. A lot of people were shockingly sympathetic towards Cole, and that was one of the excuses they offered up for why he went ballistic on Joeffrey. It still doesn't hold water cuz if he was threatened, he could've just secretly stabbed Joeffrey to death instead of brutally beating him in public.


I thought it was subtle blackmail tbh, but Cole is also just unstable and probably snapped regardless