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Hey hey Patrons! 

Well, we got there. 

It's Episode 20 of Season 4 and we were not prepared. 

Holy fucking shit. 

**VIEWING NOTES: We got a lot of new first-timers, in here and we just want to explain that we CANNOT just put the video wholesale in the uncut videos. It will put a giant target on our back and threaten the entire channel and our ability to put out Patreon Content as well! 

You are paying for the reaction, not for the reaction AND the show. You gotta use your copy, in whatever way you've procured it. 

If we could safely showcase the show, we would. Just get your copy, peep the timecode, and synch on playing. It's a tiny bit of work, but you can have your subtitles, you dub if you like, etc. Thanks for your understanding.  

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It's been a long coming! Truly stoked to be here in this moment! 


The Watchers in the Bar




For those who don't understand here's what happened. There are many times throughout this episode, where it looks like Grisha is able to see future Eren and Zeke. However he only sees Zeke twice, and never sees Eren, though Grisha is able to hear and feel his presence. Remember what Grisha says when talking to Frieda: The power of the AT offers us brief glimpses into the lives of those yet to inherit it, meaning it allows us to witness events in the future. Since Eren became the AT after his father, Grisha is seeing Eren’s future memories throughout the episode. Eren is deliberately sending certain memories to Grisha, using the FT When Grisha sees Zeke, it’s from Eren’s perspective, or it’s like looking through his eyes. Both times (in the basement and outside the Reiss chapel), Eren is behind Grisha, while Zeke is in front of them. Therefore, Grisha also sees himself, when viewing his son’s memories. A third person view. When Grisha is holding out the key, and he’s talking to 10 year old Eren, while also looking at 19 year old Eren, he doesn’t actually see future Eren. The reason he looks surprised, is because he’s looking at himself. Grisha’s receiving Eren’s memory of that moment. Grisha also receives Eren’s memory, of the point in time where Eren manipulates him, into continuing the mission to take the FT. And so once again, Grisha sees himself, but he can also hear Eren. The hug between Grisha and Zeke looks real, but Grisha is actually hugging air. Keep in mind that Eren and Zeke did not travel back through time. Not physically at least. They were going through memories, using the power of the FT. Tldr Grisha is seeing the memory of Eren seeing Grisha, so their memories are syncing making it seem like they're seeing eachother in real time.


"Emile do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife." "I SWEAAAAR." But seriously my brain was on fire for these 3 episodes and Zeke finally got a hug from his dad, that bit made me tear up. Probably figured it out by now but Eren is able to selectively pick memories to send to the other Attack Titans. The other subtitles clear it up a bit because Grisha asks "Why wont you show me what happens to Carla?" Mans just pulling strings and orchestrating the future that he wants lol


"I was just looking for a picture of pixis" Y E A H that's how i've gotten spoiled with this anime in the past as well XD i'm the same person who googled annie and read too far and found out she was the female titan long before episode 20 at least XD


When this dropped real time, the memes were hilarious. Eren talking into will smiths ear telling him to slap Chris rock 😂

Aidan Pullen

Goddamn... those scenes with Grisha seeing from-the-future Eren are crazy. He's such a tortured guy with so much regret. Then the whole chilling scene with Zeke: "I've seen Eren's memories of what happens next. I never imagined it would be so horrible. Please, you have to stop Eren." Just straight up bone-chilling.


OH well shit that makes a lot more sense lmao


Eren in fact can see his future memories. For example he told zeke “wait” when Falco / gabi / colt ran up trying to talk zeke out of screaming. Eren needed Falco in that particular spot to achieve his end goal.


I read that totally different. From what I've seen Eren ultimately cares about his own. So when he told Zeke to wait, he did it because he genuinely didn't want a bunch of people he knows and cares about to be turned into titans. As the power is explained, the future holder sends back memories to past holders. It's the ultimate manipulation tool, but it limits the scope to only showing memories that will guide Kruger or Grisha to the point where Eren wants them. Show them too little and they won't move the way he wants. Show them too much and they also won't do what he wants. I think Eren sent Grisha the memories of 'what comes next', after Grisha had already taken the founder. Had he shown him 'what comes next' sooner, then Grisha might have had second thoughts about taking the founding titan from Frieda.