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Hey Hey Patrons,

Sailed our way right into ep three, and also, Númenor this week!

We got some new info (nú info?) on Númenorians,  but it mostly made us miss the dwarves this week... 

The Harfoots are shockingly ableist, WTF y'all just leave the slowpokes behind to die? Savage AF.

And things have been better for our BBELF friends... 

Guess we'll all be waiting for the answer to the "Adar" cliffhanger.

What did y'all think? Follow this unlisted link to hang!


Endless thanks to all y'all and stay tuned for more!


The Watchers in the Bar



Aidan Pullen

Adar (I'm pretty sure) is an elvish word for "father". And the significance of the elves being told to chop down that tree is that elves have a very deep connection to all living things, especially nature / trees. The way the ents came to be was through the elves teaching them to talk and move - "waking them up" so-to-speak. Also I seriously doubt Halbrand is Sauron. That said, he is prime candidate to become either the King of the Dead or the Witch King. Sauron usually went around disguised as an elf. As for the Harfoots - I think people are a tad too hard on them. They simply live in a collectivist society rather an individualist one. As they say, "the path" has kept them alive for a millennia, and in their view, sacrificing the wellbeing of the collective for one individual would be deemed selfish and immoral. It's the good of the group they strive for - "we have each other". It's really just the difference between a collectivist nomadic society and a more individualist one that is common in the western world today. That's not to say leaving someone behind is good - but it's just a different view.


It’s great that the orks are calling their leader “Daddy” “For Daddy” “Bring him to Daddy” “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”


As far as the Númenorian political situation is concerned, I recommend you sit down while reading this. The majority of the Island is dominated by the party known as the "King's Men", they even have a place in the royal family from a couple of kings ago. They feel cheated out of both immortality and a ticket to Valinor, despite living on a kick-ass island and being able to live a comfortable 300-early 400 years of life for each Númenorian (The first king, Elrose lived up to 500 years in his reign). Because they feel cheated out, they said "Go fuck yourselves!" to both the elves for their immorality and the gods of this universe for being banned from elf heaven. The weaker, not even platformed party is the "Faithful" and, due to their now shamed beliefs, live mostly on the western shore. Some of the exceptions being the imprisoned king and Queen Regent Mirel (with his daughter acting as queen regent for her father being an open "elf friend") and Eliendil's family living in the capital, doing much better hiding their faithful status. He and his family are basically the left-leaning family moving into a far-right community, basically hiding in plain sight. When Mirel was testing Eliendil by the translations of his name if he is an actual member of the faithful so she could trust him to keep Galadriel alive on this island that wants her dead (hence why she was able to just walk around and ride to the hall of lore). She wants to help Galadriel but doesn't want to seem too eager to the rest of the court (she doesn't want to be on the receiving end of the Ides of March). Mirel is playing hard to get politically, not get ousted for being an elf-lover, and she needs an excuse to send the forces out of the island.


The orcs look soo fucking good. Also yeah, he sorta just died from a nicked neck. I was expecting a lot more blood to be honest lol