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Sup Jerks! 

Well, yall know why this particular episode is well known, what with the on-screen murder and all! 

So let's just get into it, this one is an absolute stunner!! 

Follow the password-protected link to hang! 


Password: NotAKidsShow

Kenobi is ready to say "Hello There!" sooner than you think kids! Enjoy! 


The Watchers in the Bar




I definitely agree on the post Earth queen thing! I think both Zaheer and Amon as leftist adjacent villains definitely aren’t treated with certain respect as much as the police and upkeepers of law and order are. I think the themes surrounding the general usefulness of the Avatar in a world that continues to progress that blossomed in book 2 and carries into the end of this book and reallt shines in book 4 are super interesting though! But I also guess I can’t expect like dissertation level nuance on freedom fighters searching for equity and anarchists attempting to achieve a goal from a Nick show but it defo does lean towards copaganda sometimes, haha.


yeah korra gets that a lot haha. especially 'cause ATLA has such a leftist fanbase in general. And after all its so much easier to support the gaang who fought agaisn't a imperialistic, fascist force that Korra who right now, is siding with the status quo forces agaisnt whats essentially anarchist freedom fighters, extremist or otherwise they do have a just cause. But honestly I at least appreciate the Red Lotus being an actual competent force that the usual portrayal of revolutionary groups as naïve and weak, like the flag smashers in FATWS and so on.

Lorenzo Baxter

Yeah this is why Zaheer and the Red Lotus are such good villains. They have a just cause, however extreme and misguided as it is. Killing world leaders will make a power vacuum, leaving simply another person on top. So their version of freedom can never really be achieved. But that's why they are villains. Slaves to their imperfections. But Zaheer handled himself and his mission with such confidence and poise, that it's hard not to root for them, even if it's a little bit. Also you're so right Sean. I love Korras growth. She's not punching first, asking questions later. She's talking things out, and trying to keep the peace. And most importantly.... not a flipped desk in sight 🤣

Jenny D

Password: NotAKidShow They finally admit it! No but actually if I remember correctly Nickelodeon stopped airing this show on TV after this episode, and the rest of season 3 plus all of season 4 (except maybe the finale?) only aired on the Nickelodeon website.


Also the tag here, "Kor" lol. Just reminding you in case you want to correct that Sean.

Jenny D

"Zaheer's a libertarian." Next time on The Legend of Korra: Ba Sing Se has been overrun by bears! No, not platypus bears. Not skunk bears, not armadillo bears, not gophers bears. Just bears.

William Timmins

I LOVE that Zaheer in this episode is shown to absolutely, earnestly, REALLY believe his patter. (Which is well-underscored by his speech to the public) It's refreshing and makes for complex engaging villains.


fun fact the last 2 seasons aired online only. I think Nick didn't want it on air for obvious reasons

Jenny D

I think it only started airing online after this episode aired on tv.


The idea of whether Ba SIng Se specifically would descend into chaos is interesting. Thinking back to preindustrial monarchies getting taken down brings images of torches, pitchforks and beheadings. We know Republic City has clearly reached the industrial revolution, but what we've seen of Ba Sing Se pretty clearly shows they've barely advanced past where they were in ATLA, so an old school torch and pitchfork revolution doesn't seem off the table. Also, what counts a descent into chaos ? What percentage of the population constitutes a riot ? Ba Sing Se is a city of millions of people, so if even 10% of the population started rioting and looting it would look like the end times. Also, the vast majority of that populace are the poor and desperate in the lower ring, who are the ones most likely to join in a revolution. Great show tackling versions of real issues, and great reactions ! | : ] '

Aidan Pullen

I think the only reason they had to shy around saying death, dead, kill ect. is just because it's nickelodeon. If this was another channel they'd be able to be slightly more forward about it. In episodes where no death happens, they can get away with saying those words, but them literally showing a guy suffocating a person with airbending was pushing it so they couldn't actually say that stuff in the same episode.


they gotta skirt the censors y'all. They can't say she's dead.

Neil Prospect

"Shitty Boomer Libertarian Dad" is the name of a punk song if I've ever heard one.

Briana J

it's true, what jenny said lol. i think even though this show has always been more on the young adult side instead of the JUV side but this episode really took it to another level.

Briana J

I was an original fan of ATLA and LOK (as in as they were airing) and I feel like this was the first time I looked at Nick like "wtf?" At this point the show started airing exclusively on Nick.com because of ratings and people leaking the episodes early on tumblr.

rickie woodson

not everyone hates the monarchy in real life and in the show. remember bolin and mako's grand? she lives in the ghetto and still worships the queen like a god. she is one of many............