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Hey hey Patrons! 

We got ourselves another episode of Attack on Titan and we're getting into the nitty-gritty of WHAT IN THE HOT SHIT is this Titan Juice!?!? 

We give Levi the title of Keeper of the Juice and we're sure that it WON'T COME INTO PLAY IN ANYWAY IN THE FUTURE! 

For once, Sean does the gay shipping for Levi and Erwin in their meet-up midway through this episode! 


We have a super insane and strange FLASH FORWARD TO THIS FIGHT BETWEEN MIKASA and LEVI that leaves us speechless! Well, not speechless but you get it... 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Finishing Cobra Kai this week, but making way for Obi-Wan and The Boys the weekend after that! 

Gonna have other cool stuff for Manly Movie Monday and Shitty Movie Night coming up as well! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



James Klix

Hot damn Sean, you were pretty fucking spot on about the royal family being the original defectors and making that society in the walls.


after years in slumber, Sean's gaydar finally awakens xD


Even though people might complain about this episode being a slower episode, but in the context of the second half of season 3, you’ll be happy you had this “break”


Lol that made me gut laugh 😂 are you sure Levi and Erwin aren’t brothers ? 🤣 JK JK


Hahahhahaha….. 🥲🥲🥲basically last break of the series

Travis Boyett

Great reaction, imo if you guys are going to check out another anime I would suggest Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. My hero is great don't get me wrong, but I almost feel like MHA is almost to anime for you guys yet. Death note would also be a good one, or code geass also a great one

Alejandro Gil

Interesting memory of Sasha that Eren thinks back on this episode. I wonder if that is intentional or that's the only good memory Eren has of Sahsa lol


I don’t know what type of protest or insurrection I need to start but I will make death note happen on this channel


Watching the Eren, Mikasa, and Armin scene after season four is so much more melancholy.


I think you guys would love Vinland Saga, the music's great and it plays like a HBO drama with very few goofy anime moments. That would be on the top of my list, then probably FMA: Brotherhood. Honestly, I agree with Travis, I don't think you guys would like My Hero. I couldn't even get through it, its way too anime. Seriously check out Vinland Saga though, season 2 is starting soon as well. First season has really fantastic reviews and you cant even call it anime, its a straight up historical epic and gives you a really good idea of what the genre has to offer. side note: the animation was done by by WIT Studio, the same guys that did AOT season 1-3. You don't really hear about it because it came out on Amazon Prime in 2019 which isn't exactly known for anime, so it got drowned out by a lot of other really good releases

Dancing Viru

I def recommend Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Code Geass (dubbed even! the english dub is quite good) & Death Note. (can't speak for this dub though)


Definitely want to see a Death Note reaction-- but that is a given! You made me curious about how they'd receive FMAB though-- it's got some pretty anime moments that might be a little weird if you haven't watched much in the medium-- but that story has got some top-notch characters and so much heart. Created by a totally legendary female artist, as well.

Raymond Terry

This episode and how the mid-credits stinger went is why I eventually started reading the manga. The mission to retake Wall Maria seemingly had gone to shit and 3 of our main characters are in conflict. I had to find out wtf was going on and that was a good enough reason. The second half packs a punch in multiple ways.


I don't comment very much, but I just wanted to point out that when they're talking about meat and Eren flashes back to the wall, that was likely because it was the first time Eren has thought about that memory after having learned that it was Reiner and Bertholdt.

Dancing Viru

I personally find out of all the animes I've seen with their..well, "anime moments", FMAB to be the most tolerable with that stuff. It's tough either way. If adult newcomers don't know that japanese drama was mainly influenced through their traditional kabuki theaters, where emotions are loudly vocalized through stretched out word yells, & not through broadway or hollywood like the west, then it's really difficult to recommend anime in general.


They were too busy making silly jokes... :D


It wont win any polls, but dammit I want someone to react to Samurai Champloo. FMA:B is my choice amongst everything that will be suggested.


@Dancing Viru You're probably right lol-- FMAB is definitely the most anime of all anime I've personally enjoyed, but I generally go for stuff like Berserk, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop-- stuff that's like a little more digestible for my Western brain lol. I laughed when they first started reacting to AOT and Morgan was complaining about the weird anime time-warp effect, because that took me forever to get used to as well. But now I really enjoy it! I feel like it's mainly used to really get into the characters' heads and reiterate themes. I don't really see that in Western media


Good call. I agree that Vinland Saga is one of the best currently airing animes, but also not too anime for the Tank Top Team to get into. Even something like FMA Brotherhood, for as much as I love it, does occasionally lean pretty heavily into some shonnen tropes that I’m not sure these guys would appreciate (they’d probably get passed it though).


there was no timer in this :((