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Hey hey yall! 

We're back with another CRAZY episode of AoT and we feel like we're getting closer and closer to the truth but we know that whatever revelations happen will only lead to more questions! 

The Secret Plan is coming together and it goes all the way to the top with these weird DOCILE King! 

Is he asleep? Is he dead? Is he a ROBIT! 

We're doing some coups and overthrowing and we're only at EPISODE FUCKIN' FIVE! 


Y'all EREN is on the FAY WRAY KING KONG Cosplay and this shit is getting wilder by the minute and HISTORIA HAS TO MAKE A CHOICE! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Getting caught up with uploads through the weekend! 

Love love love you all! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




i should note this to you guys just in case you arent familiar with the concept but, when it comes to manga adaptations usually the entire dialogue of the manga gets adapted. which is also why there are so many inner monologues by the way. so if you wanna praise the writing, praise Hajime Isayama. he's the manga author. when it comes to anime adaptations its usually the director whos more important for that since they decided how the characters move in an animated enviroment rather that static pages. The director of the AoT anime is Tetsurō Araki.


also i hope we see Korra later that today. But if its been pushed to next week I guess thats fine considering other things have had the delays too. I just care about AoT and Korra a lil more that the live action shows lol. But anythin yall pull out is enjoyable either way. Good luck guys!

Alejandro Gil

I've never noticed before how early they use the Cost of Freedom (Osk) track. One of my favorites. That shot of Eren seeing himself in the mirror as Frieda is gnarly


I always forget that when i say Season 3 is a lot of talking and set up it only applies to Part 1 not Part 2 XD Erwin and Pixis are just SO GOOD I remember giggling when they pulled the rug out from under em like NO ACTUALLY IT WAS U THAT VIOLATED THE RULES XD


I love that you keep making parallels between armin and erwin 👀

Raymond Terry

Morgan is on the right track once again!

The Quadfather

Do you think you’ll react to Jujutsu Kaisen? I think you guys would have a great time with it. And it’s really popular so those YouTube numbers should be pretty good. Especially when next season drops.


Honestly, I wouldn't recommend JJK to people who are new to anime. It relies pretty heavily on popular Shonnen tropes and seems to expect that the audience has some prior knowledge of them as well. I'd recommend they start with something a bit more accessible (preferably something with a decent dub if they decided to watch in English). Death Note, FMA: Brotherhood or even My Hero Academia would potentially be some decent places to start imo, but that's just my opinion.