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Hey hey patrons! 

How y'all doing? Ready for another gaddam reaction!? We hope you is! 

Some things are coming into focus, albeit PRETTY DAMN SOFT IF YA ASK US! 

Who is this Coordinate? Eren? We're thinking so.... 

We get some illumination as to Ymir's backstory and how intricately it's tied to Riener and Bert and guess what?! It's pretty emotionally harrowing! 

And the POWERPLAY that Ymir pulls on the Bad Boys completely fucking rules! 

Also, the Mo-racle returns and sorta calls a big plot point in S3....

Follow this exclusive link! 


We got Witcher dropping later today and the next BvE Poll! 


The Watchers in the Bar! 




Aidan Pullen

man, I just noticed some stuff in this episode that I didn't before that has some real interesting implications. I of course won't mention anything bc spoilers but it's so crazy how this show sets stuff up 0_0


I remember being utterly confused by Ymirs backstory on my first watch, you guys did much better than me. You're correct in that they give you so little context at first


Also Morgan is so good at piecing things together

William Timmins

This show is AMAZING for rewatching. There's stuff that's only really sinking in with this episode that didn't make a lot of sense until two seasons later.

Alejandro Gil

I know exactly what you are talking about and the parallels are absolutely crazy. Wow

Alejandro Gil

Ymir's back story sent my mind reeling back in the day. I was trying to make sense of it but just couldn't. It's almost funny re watching this now, and seeing other people's brain melt.


First Sean with thinking Historia and Ymir are sisters and now did Morgan just say that Historia is Ymir's daughter? lol you guys know i love you but WHAT. Obvious lesbians are obvious lol.


Ymir loves Historia also there's a specific noise u hear before they get kicked off the wall that I think u guys missed (most reactors miss it because u don't expect it) 2 more eps till the craziness that is S3 o.o


Yeah, I was really hoping they caught that, but it’s really subtle. Whether or not someone hears that sounds completely changes their entire conception of how the world works.

Andrew W

I can't wait to see the floating-equation meme super-imposed over the crew once they get the rest of the context that explains this and they piece it all together! That's what we all went through.


We get that now, but I think it was a case of Ymir looking WAY older than Historia. One looks like late teens, early0-20s, and the other looks like a 12-year-old, so we didn't quite link it up. We get it later though.


loving these reactions

Jake Thompson

At about 13:32 or so, it's just for a few frames but you can see something in the soldier's hand that might seem familiar.


@Sean TankTop lmao yeah that's anime for ya XD there are times in other anime where the short child looking characters are like 400 years old and the ones that look mid 20's are actually 16 XD