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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back and TRULY are on our way back on track! Thanks for everyone's understanding in this time! 

But we got this here episode Right now and man there's a whooooole lot happening! 

We think that Hange is on her way to cracking the case but HOLY SHIT GIRL TAKE A BREAK! 

And then we got Ymir SPITTING SOME MFin' TRUTH BOMBS IN THIS EP FOR SURE and we're still almost completely in the dark about her true back story! 

Also, be ready to chuckle at Morgan's impatience at how this episode dolls out info! xD 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got this AoT Drop today, Korra Thursday, new Witcher & BRAND SPANKIN' NEW MOON KNIGHT coming tomorrow and Cobra Kai's on Friday! Obi-Wan Bra Reactions and Commentary vids in May. Plus we'll finally get it together with our Oops! All Batman! edition of BvE poll and podcast!


The Watchers in the Bar 




yeah that's the thing with mystery shows, as sean says. the dicking around and misdirection goes on forever. what's important though is the payoff to said mystery. and in that regard AoT does have one of the best payoffs I can think off.


I think that's something that I love about AOT, is that in a lesser anime, or something not as well written, you'd just get frustrated with every bit of new information or question it brings up. But because the show is just so F-ing thorough lol, it answers or addresses EVERYTHING eventually in a very satisfying mind blowing way. That's what I've been finding funny about their reactions to the show, especially since this is their first anime. It's been fun watching them almost "underestimate" the show haha. I can't wait to see how much their perspectives have changed once they're into the full meat of season 3 and 4. ^_^


There's shit that I still don't know after reading the manga and watching the entire show, like there's a lot of stuff he leaves open ended for you to theorise about even now


I feel like a lot of reactors say this episode didn’t give them much information, but I feel like it does! - Comfirms Ymir isn’t on Reiner and Berthold’s side and doesn’t know much about her Titan-ness. - Suggests that the Beast Titan has some control over Reiner and Berthold and that they need to take Eren to him to get home. Also that he creates the titans within the wall. - Confirms that Krista is important to the Titans. - Hints that Reiner may have been involved in Marco’s death. - Displays Reiner’s mental split clearly for the first time. - Shows that you can’t turn into a titan when you’re still healing. Idk I feel like there was a lot in this episode.

Jake Thompson

Ahh yes, the ole "one question answered, two more questions show up"

Step B.

These 2 episodes give you damn near the whole puzzle but it’s whether or not you can make the connections which on a first time viewing probably not, but that’s what making watching AOT reactions so fun

Guillermo Rodriguez

Ive seen this show like 6 times already and never saw these subtitles, theres like 3 differebt english subs.. WTF!!!