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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're ripping another episode and this is proving to be the most breakneck fucking pace that we've seen from this show since the very very tail end of S1! 

We catch up with another one of the country kids, Connie, and his APPREHENTLTY TITAN-FIIED MOM!  

So, is there a Titan SPELL OR JUICE OR SOMETHING THAT IS GROWING TITANS, and are they trying to sell massive boots and that's what's fueling this whole conspiracy!? 


And now we got Ymir and Krist and this CULT OF THE WALL AND.....


Chomp yer way into this crazy ep with this exclusive link! 


We're super stoked to blow through this breakneck fucking season! 


The Watcher in the Bar 




Your reactions don't disappoint. Trust me, I know it's a bit slow-ish, but it'll pick up and then go non-stop. These next few episodes are going to be worth it, I promise. Pastor Nick basically said that they were to watch and keep tabs on Christa. High Born Fuckers and Titan Fuckers, bwahahahaha. This season is 12 eps, and they're so good. Have fun.


Christa and the girl she's with were all characters in season 1, harder to remember them because they didn't get as much screen time and were absent from the last few episodes of S1


i'm surprised with how much you guys liked that Ilse's journal episode that you didnt like, react to Ymir having the same name as the supposed "people of Ymir" that titan was talking about. I mean its not a very common name. i know yall already finished the season too so they do bring it up again and i guess then you'll connect that stuff together.


I know the whole basement thing is an ongoing joke because they mention the basement so much, and that people in the show know it is important and yet they don't seem to act on it .. but to be fair , even with the knowledge that they may be truths there, its more a pipe dream because the basement is in Eren's hometown, Shinganshina , which is a bubble outside wall Maria. His hometown fell and so did all of wall Maria, so these places are basically no-go zones, titan territory, certified death. Its kind of why the characters in the show don't really dwell on the basement too much because how the hell are they going to go from Wall Rose to Shingashina when its a titan-territory and they always seem to have problems after problems pop-up.


This was quite literally uploaded as I was watching the S2E2 reaction 😂 Both of which are great reactions btw 👍

Alejandro Gil

They are trying to act on it but new emergencies just keep popping up left and right

Alejandro Gil

I had forgotten how good season 2 is. It's better watching this stuff with the context of the future events

William Timmins

There are a lot of characters I didn't notice on a first watch, particularly since so many of them die. And then on watching again there are loads of 'oh my fucking shit' moments.

William Timmins

The basement. The MFing basement. By this point, originally, the viewers had been waiting for that f'in basement for literal years.

jose giron

Oh man this is where AOT revs up in intensity and its not gonna stop lol season 1 was good but season 2 is where AOT becomes special imo


Claymore is so awesome! Thanks for mentioning it, Dustin! The manga was so good, I wish the anime was able to cover the whole series. Really hoping for a remake one day.


Krista and Ymir have been around since episode 3 of season 1. They’ve basically just been background characters up until now though, so it’s not too surprising that you guys didn’t pick up on that.

Alejandro Gil

There's a lot of stuff like that that's hard to pick up on during the first watch. Like Shadis and Erwin being with the scouts when little Eren goes to see them in episode 1


Any plans to do two of these a week?

William Timmins

Yeah, that's why I love watching reactions because you see these characters early on and are like... oh hi!