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Hey hey Patrons! 

And as you can see, we got ourselves OUR SECOND REACTION OF THE WEEK for Attack on Titan! Again thanks to all you baller ass mfers who were able to secure the budget with the annual tier! And it's kinda nice! Like paying your car insurance in a 6-month chunk! Now you don't even gotta sweat it, you just gotta rock this bevy of sick-ass content! 

But here we got the OVA "No Regrets" Pt. 1 & 2 and HOLY HELL is this another punishing but INCREDIBLE BANGER OF A BACKSTORY! 

We see that Levi has always been a blackhole of human emotion BUT KNOW WE KINDA HAVE SOME INSIGHT AS TO WHY!! 

Watch the ELATION as Morgan FINALLY gets her underground Mole people! 

And then FUCKING CRY with us as we get one of the darkest deaths and creepiest Titans that this show has ever produced! 

Also, did Dustin's peeing bring about the rain in one of the episode's final scenes? 

Follow the exclusive link to hang! 


We got a bunch of other stuff dropping, BvE, a new Manly Movie Monday and PRL incoming! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Wasn't expecting both parts today! You guys kick ass!


I love how morgan is so invested in getting everyone underground for some reason. Shes like Dr Strangelove lol


That titan is possibly the creepiest titan in the whole series to me. The titan that eats Erens mom is pretty creepy too but that one is the most horrifying. They took their time imagining up that one!


Oh my god, finally!!


when dustin got up to pee and neither of u paused i was like OMG HE'S GONNA MISS THE BEST PART thankfully he didn't o.o I only watched this OVA last year XD this shit aired in 2014!!! so the art style and the death and levi acting like this was so surprising o.o YEAH DUSTIN!! the more subbed anime u watch the more u'll pick up on japanese! will u become fluent? prolly not unless u practice outside of watching anime excited for the rest of season 2 o.o

Kage Uzumaki

Can I ask what site you watched this from


Jesussss the symbolism in the show.


so glad i got the annual tier


I was wondering too cause syncing up from what I was watching was kinda off.

Alejandro Gil

Damn I wasn't expecting both episodes!!! "Don't regret it, it'll dull your ability to make the next decision" applies to a lot of things in this show