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Ooooooooooh Weeee yall! we are back with the adventures of Gerry, Siri, YenYen and Mr. Swordy Bloodhole for SEASON 2 and it's a wild, charming one with teensy weird lil' morsel of awfulness at the very end! 

Is this just the R-rated Beauty and Beast remake that we always wanted from Disney but we know we'll never get? 

We got a fresh lil' up in production value, in wig budget and CIRI is massively improved and we're here for it! 

Also, it's hard to overstate how much Kristof kills it in this episode but the weird R-word drop at the very very end of the episode just sours what would have been a really grisly bittersweet story. Did it read as weird for y'all? 

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We got a buncha stuff dropping so keep it over here youse guys! 


The Witchers in the Bar 




The Nivellen r-word stuff was part of a short story in the first Witcher book. In the book version, Nivellen tells Geralt about the priestess r-word while they're eating dinner, so his status as a likeable character shits the bed much earlier than it does in the show.


I didn't really mind the shock twist at the end, it did a good job of making me feel super uncomfortable and really is a reminder that humans in this world are responsible for some of the worst acts, like the genocide of the elves etc. I guess you could argue that the tonal shift in the show is a bit jarring at times when you've got Jaskier, but I think it pulls back the veneer a bit and adds another layer to the world that Geralt has to navigate as someone who has a good heart but has to face monsters on a regular basis. Its similar to the story behind the Striga in season 1. Geralt has to deal with the darker sides of human nature but the rest of the show makes you forget it.

rickie woodson

want an r-rated beauty and the beast? there is a french version (the fable is from france). 2014 beauty and the beast with vincent cassel

Tim Chaos

I definitely feel you in that the r word drop sours his emotional performance but I read it as intentional, like it WAS a villain heel-turn because after he says it Geralt and Ciri immediately treat him like the monster he spent the whole episode convincing us he wasn’t. They wanted to take the whole monster conversations from earlier that final step, showing that there are some things that are unforgivable. They might have been able to do that with a different crime, but I imagine that one was picked because there’s zero ambiguity about how evil it is. Still, it’s hard to justify using in even the best of fiction and I don’t know if it’s worth it here.

John Cedar

The r word drop was very jarring for me and definitely left me feeling weird and unhappy at the end of this ep, but I think that was the point. This episode wanted to portray the fact that monstrous acts can be done by someone who seems incapable of doing them on the outside. That the people who you think are truly good may not be. And that you always need to remain vigilant and skeptical of unfamiliar people and places, even if all the initial signs point to them being friendly. It was a lesson that Ciri definitely needed to learn, and I thought this ep was surprisingly thought provoking.


The drop of the R word was indeed very jarring and ended any likability for that character though I thought that was very unique and actually respectically bold because it's the first time I have seen a person like that handled in a way that's very accurate and meaningful, how a person you might like can commit such an evil act like that.


Couldn’t agree more. Invoking SA is always a challenging thing to do in media, but I think here it was used subtly and gets the overall message across well; that monsters are made by deeds done, not by factors determined by the way you were born.


Also, as sad and fucked up as it is, SA does happen. To shy away from invoking or discussing it in media entirely would be dishonest and cowardly, and only reserving it to sell how evil a mustache twirling villain is would also be dishonest and unrealistic. If there’s anything we’ve learned from the Me Too movement, it’s that even likable people who widely revered and/or close to your heart can be doing horrible things behind closed doors. I think this episode did a great job of exploring this in a more nuanced way than many other media I’ve seen.

rickie woodson

when is ep 3 of cobra kai season 4 dropping?


I got ya. It's a fascinating decision regardless of where you come down on it.