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Good morning, everyone! For today's small update we have...  

1. Programming: Beebop has finished most enemies and is currently working on the menus. Remember we decided that the code should be reworked so it's more efficient and it'll make the game run better in less powerful machines and also it needed to be more organized so it's easier to implement new things which means more builds in less time. After finishing the Menus the boss will be implemented next  

2. Sound: We received a small sample of the reworked boss tune and it's sounding great! we'll share it with you guys as soon as possible.  

3. Art: As mentioned before the stage art is all being reworked by yours truly. We'd like to make it a surprise, but we decided to give you a glimpse of how it's looking so far, keep in mind that this is still WIP. Old art on the left and new art on the right.  

Thank you all for the amazing support, we couldn't have done all of this without you. We hope to give you all an amazing game!
- mv



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