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( I copy all of this frow twitter XD )  Hello guys! Hope you're doing well. So I need to talk a few things. I've been under a lot of stressed and anxiety this last months. Mostly is because of the whole situation in this country.  At this date, we've been struggling with the internet connection since the start of the year, water is ausent for almost 4 days now, the electric energy it's been failing making me worry for lots of stuff too. That without mentioning prices have been rising up in an alarming rate . Since I am the one who provides the money for our house this has been a constant struggle an source of stress. I've been forcing myself to open Commissions constantly, overworking myself more that I want because we need the money. 

 As result I've been neglecting my own patreon and commissioners itselfs, for this I'm really sorry. I've been trying to keep things balanced working on both things simultaneously but failing to finish any of those on time.  Right now I'm in a need to open Commissions again, still have to finish 4 more of them and simultaneously working on Forest Hunt 2 and Lord of dawn for patreon, along with other things I would like to do but just don't have the time right now.  So I'm really in a bad state right now guys. I wish we could go out of here but with the quarantine has been impossible for me to move, and I'm honestly afraid of what could happen in this country before the damn thing even ends.   Afraid that  the economy gets even worse, the services get even worse, afraid that we loose all chance to get out of here and try for something better. It's been hunting me really hard since I don't want to fail and drag my boyfriend with me too. 

 So all we can do now is to resist untill this whole ordeal ends and then try our best to move out, course I can't really stand this anymore, we simply won't grow up in here and as much as it pains me.  So I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I've been lacking with content lately. To all my commissioners sorry that I've been keeping you waiting for so long and specially to my patreons Wich are the ones who I've been neglecting the most.   Last month I was able to finally bought the new laptop I've been saving for so long thanks to you both. So it's not fair to keep you waiting this long but sadly I'm not fast enough and just can go at my pace at this point.  Also thank to all of you who have been supporting with me. You don't now how big has been for me. You guys are one of the reasons I haven't just drop everything and keep on drawing since dawn till I sleep.  Just needed to let somethings out before I continue. Thanks for all of you to listen to me. 

 So now some good news!. I will start posting Forest Hunt part 2 on Patreon Alongside New pages of Lord of Dawn next Monday. I won't post as many pages as I was hoping for, I'll try for now to finish 1 page per week.   As I'll be working simultaneously in this 2 comics, finishing the last 4 Commissions and the new ones I'll be opening, all I ask is a little patience for you. I'll go slow, but you'll have the content.  I'll open Commissions latter this noon so if you are interested please be aware.   Thanks for all of your support again guys. And see you soon 


Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Sorry to hear about all this, hope things will be okay. Don’t care how long it takes to see your artwork posted. Your health and safety is way more important


Its ok buddy we really just want you to do your best. In these times no one can be perfect and I understand the stress and strain. We got your back bro.


No Problem. I Understand Perfectly. Don't Overculpabilize Over It. Take Care ! When I Read You I Realised That Living In France During Covid Is A Blessing. Even If Our Services Took Blows Too. Take Some Rest and See Ya Later !