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We have some interesting things here. Luna can be found after the first restroom restock event.... She is cute and in need of your help! (only the first 1/2 of her content)

Krish got the second half of her stuff in game! You can now get plushies from her on returning to the cabin! Lots of variations...

Likely the biggest thing is the error reporting code! We can now find and fix errors faster than ever and it is sooooo much easier to report them. Even if this update is small... I want it to be the first bug free update! (as in ending the month bug free!)

Once again I failed to get the sissy content in that I wanted! (I just don't have the head for writing it.... or do I? ... I have a plan that might FINALLY fix this problem. I need a system for it.... next time....)

-You can get plushies from KRISH in the forest!!!!
-Luna added to the game! find her various places after the first restock event
-Added non crib sex scene
-Changes to mall and food buying
-Can now buy extra food!
-NEW ERROR REPORTING CODE! We are on the way to a bug free game!
-ability to escape some game crashes
-fixed bug causeing crash/missing people in the daycare
-made stroller events not require a hazy mind
-reduced chances of the googirl buying furniture (was a guarente now it is a 50% chance. Still prevented by checking the mail.)
-fixed blank mail from showing up
-Added night sex scene variation for no crib
-made diapers reach max fullness art faster and stay that way longer.
-maybe fixed the closet (still can't reproduce the error)
-fixed tease scene in the daycare

Link: https://xey.itch.io/patreon-access-only-tlgg0380
Password: lunaandplushy



Still getting a lot of the errors where you get stuck at a passage with no further options; had that when approaching Krish's cabin. On attempting to revert to my morning save after that, I got the following error: ERROR DETECTED! Tell xey error code: TypeError: response is not a function breakfastdiaper! (EDIT: actually, all my saves were corrupted by that one; earlier saves are now also stuck at dead ends)


Nope. I'd hoped that keeping multiple saves would help, or that the game would be getting less buggy in newer versions, but neither of those things seem to be true at this time.


so from what I've noticed in certain runs. the Forest is just bugged out, if you can even find Krish on the first go. at least for me I cant get back to the cabin. or it will be late game and it just decides its done and wont let me continue.