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This is a rough update... I have been sick the entire time with the plague... I hope this update is still worth it. We have massive improvments and an amazing closet build that is all sorts of WIP!​ No aphrodesiac yet... but the groundwork for it is in place now.

-MASSIVE CLOSET! (most functionality is there for huge diapers. More will come later)

-Pig diaper suit Added and functional!

-Mitts for the daycare and you get to keep them if you escape!

-daycare collar? I thought this was working.... Since it might not have been.. its NEW!

-New backgrounds for in house!

-Hint system at the chart in the daycare for help escaping!

-New interface for the crayon minigame!

-Its also a tad harder (still easy though)

-Added a Gold membership card to the mall to unlock more specific hints for achievments.

-Removed a few WIP items from the store

-added a curious pink vial to the mall

-Built the mobile code for closet interface

-added a bunch of post suit dialoge to keffa, and a teaser for next update

-Added 5 new achievments!

-streamlined and complicated more of the goo code

-tiny tweak to the intro

-Removed a forced clothing tag from locations. This may break things, or make public nudity a problem again >..>

-Made it possible to go between stores in the mall

-Cleaned up and reordered the mall interface

-fixed MASSIVE crash when wearing a diaper at home (THIS WAS HUGE) And it crashed saves too!

-fixed a repant error caused by "small" diaper They only come in "normal"

-fixed a weird rouge play element

-massive nerf to sissy diaper capacity

-made clicked to soon less soon

-fixed double entering the baby office

-fixed all of the gstage5 art!

-fixed a massive error in save code in the fullservice restrooms

-Fixed weirdness with buying good food after having poor food already

-Fixed an arm issue when removing sissy shirt

Link: https://xey.itch.io/patreon-access-only-tlgg0350



Where do I get a pig diapersuit?


Is there a wiki or walkthrough or tip guide for say making money? I'm stuck with the diaper store job and its only giving me about 30 dollars and I kinda wanted to for furniture and things :)


Your diaper fullness effects the amount you are paid. And you can work both jobs. Plus as supply the googirl with goo..... She will buy furniture for you.


The pumpkin head accessory seems not displayer well