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Hello Frog Frotteurs, Fornicators, and Heavenly Froggos! We present to you a new dev build of Oh So Hero!

Download Oh So Hero! v0.19.300:

NOTE: If you are using the option for Linux & Win32 Builds, please do not download all the builds via the "Download" button in the top corner of the screen. Select and download only the individual build you need for your operating system.

Build changelog:

Here are the changes made since the last patron release (v0.19.200)...

New features:

  • New NPC: Biro!
    - Find this bird on the boardwalk at Smol Beach.

Improvements & bug fixes:

  • Added Haya's Sexy Taunt animation (also in Gallery).
  • Give the player iframes between rooms.
    - Whenever the player/camera transitions between LevelRooms (CameraRooms) with a hard cut (quick fade to/from black), such as when going through a door, give the player character invulnerability/invincibility frames for one second.
  • Fixed Koji's bar stool / animation VFX.
  • Fixed PreGameStory loading gameplay twice.
  • Improved camera transitions in Treewish Forest.
  • Fixed camera positions in Brask’s Palace & Smol Beach.
  • Fixed falling detection; Joe will now properly walk down a ramp.
  • Fixed camera tween with loading confirmation off T#74.
  • Fixed Haya attempting to grab too far away T#76.
  • Fixed camera bug in Brask's Jungle T#78.
  • Fixed Signal and Puca attacks T#79.
  • And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!

Known issues:

Ket's Update:

I wanted to give you all a better build with a big bird named Biro! He is a NPC designed by Arty Qsiti and animated by him as well under Red's supervision. This build also has several needed bug fixes to provide an experience we hope is well polished!

Please see our incoming post for news on Bates!

Oh So Hero! Important Links:

Cheers, Ribbit~




Congratulations on the new update everyone! :D


Need to save some good few nuts for it~ >I9


my loins are ready!🤤


Hey! It says both Mac Intel versions are corrupted :(


Sorry for the trouble. Did you already try right-clicking on the .app and selecting Open? If that doesn't work, try re-downloading first, and if that's no luck, send us a screen shot of the problem. Thank you.


Hello! I've tried both things and still no luck. It doesn't give much detail, it simply says the "code" and the "originally signed code" do not match and thus the file is corrupted and won't be opened.

Ket Ralus

OK I’ll double-check things on my end when I have the chance. In the meantime, I wanna rule out any other issues. You are using the version 0.19.300 build linked here, correct? When you said “both Mac Intel versions”, do you mean the Mac Intel and Mac Silicon versions? What model of MacBook do you have and what is the OS version?


Hello! I've checked and I only seem to be having this problem with versions 0.18 and higher. 0.17 works just fine. By "both Mac Intel versions", I meant the MEGA link and the Dropbox one. I'm using macOS Monterey 12.7

Ket Ralus

Thanks for the info! I was able to reproduce the problem. It appeared to start in 0.18.500 and did something odd to the "Contents/MacOS/Oh So Hero!" Unix Executable File inside the app package. I will go back through source control to find the problem. In the meantime, you should be able to use 0.18.400 https://www.patreon.com/posts/oh-so-hero-v0-18-73700288 though that one is a year old. Hopefully I'll have this fixed in 0.19.400 at the end of this month!

Ket Ralus

Oh hey, hoecto! I may have gotten 0.19.300 working for you. I swapped that file I mentioned with its 0.18.400 version and it seems to have done the trick. Please try this build: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wzrll9yx5t1xcmdzbtlv9/oh-so-hero-v0.19.300-macintel-rv1.zip?rlkey=d14mq66taqbaar5gf7x1ddba2&dl=1 You may need to right-click and Open twice to get around Apple's prude security. I'll still have to find the root cause, but workaround or not, it should be fine going forward. Big thanks for letting us know!


No problem! :) Version 0.19.300 seems to be working OK now, thank you!