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Patreon finally got their ducks in a row!

We have the option to switch to Subscription Billing. With this enabled, after the initial payment, you will only be charged when a full month has passed from your join date., instead of the first of each month. No more joining on the 31st and then getting charged again the next day on the 1st!

I'm fully set on doing this, because as Patreon says, "This is how patrons already expect to pay" on other services such as Netflix, etc. In any case, wanted to get your guys's opt-onion on this one! - Ket ;}

P.S. More details on subscription billing here.

UPDATE: We have switched to subscription billing!



On one hand, I prefer my billing to come all at once on the 1st (since I support multiple patreons), but the 'don't bill me twice' logic is sound. I wonder if they can do something like what my local banks do to standardize instalment payments. Something like, if you subscribe between the 1st to the... 15th? of the month, your next payment is on the 1st of the next month. If you subscribe after, your next payment is on the 1st of the 2nd month after.


In the past, I have waited until the 1st to pledge to new patreons. This is a nice way to prevent the double charging, but I'll admit I've grown used to knowing I have an additional "bill" on the 1st. It's also a good way to gauge how much you're expending each month. Ultimately, I don't think I care either way.


I would love this new change. Then I can budget accordingly for when life happens.


Yes, of course Patreon made a very useful and fair change, perhaps one of the best in recent times! It's definitely better to get charged once during the month, It's more convenient like this


Oh yes, for sure. I was just speaking generally, for possible other future patreons I might support.


I don't think anyone likes getting charged twice during the month, so I think it's a very good change.


Thanks for the feedback, everyone! We have switched to subscription billing!