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This development preview will give you a look into new features coming to Oh So Hero!

Ket's Update:

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed last month’s update. Redemption3445 did an amazing job on all those new animations, and we got great work from our new animator, Trooper036! (He and Red worked on Trace~) There is still much to do, so I’m happy to have the game back in active development!

We have another build scheduled for the end of August, so stay tuned for that. For now though, I want to give a preview of a new feature I just completed and also announce an upcoming comic by ThatPuggy!


Joe collects many useful items as he treks across Aeter. There are going to be a lot more new items added to the game as development continues, including some backfilled to existing areas. To help the player to keep track of everything, I’m building a UI for the inventory which can be accessed through the pause menu:

(NOTE: Had to black out an upcoming item in this image. We will get to it soon~ )

This is an early implementation. As with the rest of the UI, the design is subject to change, and new elements—such as item images—will be added over the course of development. First caveat of note, you won't be able to use items at this time since there are no stored consumables in the game currently. Nevertheless, everything listed in the inventory is applied automatically and you can view the items’ effects in the description at the bottom of the screen. Secondly, later in development we will have a separate Equipment screen where certain items can be equipped like a typical RPG, as well as a separate Skills screen where learned abilities can be viewed and toggled. We are building these systems up bit by bit, so keep watching as the game grows more intricate!


While we are eagerly making advancements on the game, I like to have a bit of fun on the side, and that includes a special project currently in the works. It's a six-page comic being drawn by ThatPuggy called Oh So Soaked! It's not official Oh So Hero! canon, but it fits in with the lore of the game and is ultimately for my enjoyment (and with luck, yours too). The first page is complete, so here's a preview:

Hope you like where this is going~ If you wanna see more from ThatPuggy, check him out on Patreon ( https://www.patreon.com/PugGuil ) and Twitter ( https://twitter.com/ThatPuggy ). I'll keep you posted when new pages of Oh So Soaked! are available! =}

Further Reading:


Zawkian Puppy

Geez I always forget how huge those little dudes are down there. Lol Great work as always buds! ^-^


Oh heck yeah! Im really so excited for that new build soon! And that comic seems lovely too, the Lonoe were always such great rivals!


me want comic =3


Oh damn I love Puggy's work!


Was curious is anyone else still having gallery issues?

Ket Ralus

Yes. There is a bug with the gallery when the key bindings are changed. This is fixed in the new build coming next week, v0.18.100!


O ok thanx making sure it wasnt just me messing something up