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It's time to start counting down to the era of a new visual novel!

I hope to finish Swole World Chapter 3 and put out an alpha version of the VN by January

Stay tuned for more information regarding changes to tiers and what benefits are in store for you all!



Darius Neal

This sound great But instead of canceling why not put such projects on the back burner until a good opportunity to revisit.


I agree, you could end up getting fresh ideas for chapter 4 while working on the VN and you can jot them down for later


This does explain your sped up release schedule, usually once every two weeks but you’ve been going faster. Could this mean that there’s 4-6 pages left for chapter 3? Is the VN going to be like OldShep’s VN attempt for his dragon college growth sequence? And the new VN YCH could be nice to show off my third OC