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It's been about a year, but Swole World Chapter 2 is finally wrapping up! With that story out of the way, it's time to focus on the third chapter with a third set of characters. The theme this time around is... BIRDS. Big beefy birds with bouncy boobs and big butts.

I'll be working on character designs while I work on the latest page of Beast Booster. However, I'm going to host a few polls tomorrow for certain character design aspects, so be ready for that!



First chapter had new guy thrust into secret world of source of massive muscle growth; second chapter had another guy in mid-to-late 20s trying to earn money with his gift. I’m looking forward to what you got for the 3rd chapter that will expand (and I mean that both literally and figuratively) upon the lore you’re trying to create. I do have to ask, when you mean “boobs” you mean slang for dude pecs or we getting some lady pecs coming up?