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Apparently back in march we were bitten by the visual novel bug, and Kras started this little pet project all by himself, using the script for an illustrated story I made some time ago - so I had no choice but jump in in this adventure of learning how Ren'Py works. :D

What you'll see here is basically two guys bruteforcing through code to try to come with an interesting experience for the player/viewer/reader. It's FAR from being complete, and nothing is set in stone yet - so if you see huge differences between this first release and the next ones, it's expected.

We hope you enjoy what we did so far. Comment's and feedback are more than welcome! 

And remember: we're allowed to do this just because of your support! Thank you very much for your monthly help! ^^

Oh, the links:

For a windows release:


For a MAC release:



Fabs & Krash




Like this, don't colour it if you finish it, don't mind the look already.


Certainly looks quite interesting.