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A little late, but here's the latest page. After a couple of slightly more decompressed pages I definitely found it challenging to get back to 8 panels of full on action, especially with Saturday written off for a rare, but unavoidable social occasion :p In the ideal world I'd prefer to have fewer panels and spend more time fleshing them out then have lots of wonky ones, but hey, with weekly updates it's important to have enough content for readers. And while usually Io gets the blame for writing super dense scripts, this one is all my doing as I storyboarded it myself before the dialogue went in. Good job, me.  I'm looking forward to not drawing Fixer's goddamn shop ever again, but we've got two more pages of that happening :P 

Will be posting further layouts soon. I'm actually struggling to estimate the number of pages remaining with some scenes still needing fleshing out, but hopefully it'll all be done by February or so? Maybe? Sooooon. 


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