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Finally, food close-ups, my favourite thing to draw. Especially when it's...a fresh springroll with kolbasa?..FUSION CUISINE. When planning this scene I got consulted on the kinds of things that would be easy and appropriate for Troy to make and we tossed around some fusion meal ideas like using buckwheat instead of rice, but in the end I decided not to torture Troy too much. She's been through a lot already :v And I really liked the roll idea since it's easy to make and source ingredients for.

When I wrote that bit I wasn't sure if the cliche "white person can't handle spice" bit would be all that funny, but with Mira being our super edgy domme, I think it provides a nice bit of irony and a change in dynamic (and Io's dialogue accented it further) :D  



Augusta Wickman

I thought the scene was perfect! Funny and cute! 😁


Lol the kolbasa in the spring rolls is an interesting touch