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Finally, we get to the Lin Does Politics scene I wrote a while ago (and Io rewrote properly as it usually happens with all my scripts/thumbnails :v) I planned it out of context and I was worried about the tone switch being a bit jarring after the club scene ending, but hey, that's D&W. Gotta move forward. There's always a next day and a job that needs doing (provided you don't OD for good) I did have some ideas about smoothing out that transition buuut i never wrote it down. A little bit annoyed about that, but also excited to move on and draw the rest of this :D




Heh "The Daily Wail" :) I don't think the transition comes across as too abrupt - it's softened slightly by the Sandman/Fixer scene and dodgy Vlad, and like you say... There's always another day. I think it kind of adds to the spiralling - even after all that happened, Dan still has to get up and be part of Lin's next scheme