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Here's a slightly earlier page for you guys!

I kind of messed up the upper panel by drawing Eve on the  right even though she spoke first, so in the end I had to cross over the speech bubbles which I think is a no-no in comics. (then again, there's also a rule about keeping characters on their respective sides, which has an official name I can't for the life of me remember right now. You just can't win.)

This page and the next ones have gone through about 3452 re-writes just in the past few weeks thanks to me being a pain. In the original version Dan was more than willing to list every single substance he's done in Eve's absence for comedic effect, but that felt a little out of character to me. Dan and Eve's relationship was in part ruined by Dan lying and hiding his use, so I wanted to keep that theme going. (especially since he's already hiding the true reason he quit VR). I think it shows off their dynamic nicely. 

..I'm realising I'm stealing Io's commentary material here, so I'm gonna stop. 




I'd never thought of the side the speech being on telling me which to start with before... comics are ace (and more subtle than I knew!)