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The text in all of the illustrations read from right to left.

1 .No_ra Ku_saki from Jujutsu _sen 呪術〇戦から釘〇野〇薇

“Where did you pull that money out from, anyway?”

“Under my boobs.”



2.Kobe_ _yama from Chainsaw _n チェンソー〇ンから〇山コベ〇

Kobe_ -chan works part time at a café called “The Café Where You Can Rub Butts and Bellies.”


3._cho Shi_bu from Demo_ Slay_ 鬼〇の刃から〇蝶し〇ぶ

To briefly explain what the “year of the rabbit,” means, just as the names of the months, January to December, originated from Latin and are named after Roman mythological gods and Roman emperors, Japan carries on the cultural tradition of the Chinese zodiac, in which each year in the 12-year cycle is named after an animal.


Volunteer translator, "Ekkusu"



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