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Hey everyone!

I've been planning ahead a bit further, and recently designed 15 minigames 'at once'. This means they can now be coded in one go, which should be more efficient then coding them one by one.

But before they can be put together, they needed some decent art first. So, that's one of the things I worked on last week. And here are 2 examples of what I made so far :)

The sign for the gym

Now the art below, is placeholder art I made for a 'drag & drop' puzzle- where you have to make new words from the available letters.  

It shows the idea- but to make this puzzle technically work, the screen had to be way more organized.  And therefore I made this new setup.

The sign that Keen finds in game,  already has a metal frame- which I used here to clarify where you can & cannot place the letters.  Additinally I gave each letter a special effect, to show that it's lifted up from te ground when you drag it around.

And that's it for this game :)

The Solar Queen-arcade game

Another game I planned, is an old arcade game. And the goal of this game is simple: deflect all incomming sunbeams & protect the earth from vaporising.

In game you control  the 'red block', which can move from left to right. And by deflecting sunbeams, you can hit meteors that pass by-which give you a bonus.

So, I thought a while about how I wanted to set this up. And the picture on the left was my first design- which looks interesting, but didn't really work. So I redesigned the setup, and ended with what you see on the right.

And after that, I made a sketch for the arcade cabinet itself.

Then I cleaned it up, until it was refined enough to be used for coding the game. And once the game works, I will finalize the art :)

Well, I'd love to hear what you think of it all!

And next week I'll start working on some art for Hank & Rosa their story - I hope you like that as well ;)

All the best,


PS. Meanwhile I've also updated this post once more- after the convention was over. So check it out if you want to know how it ended :)




I will love to see the story of Hank and Rosa develop.


Thanks Alfie -they might seem like boring parents at this time, but they have a very interesting hobby! :)