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Hey everyone!

This week I’ve been working on a ‘changeroom’ as part of the wresting arena.

Now I added this room because I wanted to have some dialogs with the wrestlers before & after their match. I guess I could have done that in the Guestroom or the Gym... but having a room right next to the wrestle arena, just made more sense.

So, next I had to come up with a design for this room.

And for this room, I felt it should be instantly clear that it would be used by show-wrestlers. So I started with some extreme neon lights in the room, and filled it with  weird costumes & wrestling gear. Oh! And of course I added a buddy-bag. You know, to practice your wrestle moves on :)

Well,  this is how it all came together.

And this is the dialog version.

Here you can see the layers I used...

...and again a few steps of my drawing process.

Wrestle-chess update

Now besides this, I also worked some more on my wrestle-chess mini-game. I made some new art for that, which I added to this previous post, about the mini-game. 

 But you can also find it on Discord, where I also shared all nine puzzles. So if you want,  you can already try and solve them. (And thanks to CasuallyChaotic, you can even check your answers!)

Well, that’s all I have for now, I hope you like it!

All the best!





I wish I had half your skill at backgrounds.


Those cloaks and helmets in the background will come in handy when Keen has to infiltrate the ship of catgirls in heat a few updates from now. :3


I hope the girls checked with Keen before fitting all those neon bulbs. I'd hate for them to cause a shipwide blackout at an inopportune moment, leaving the engineer groping around the ship in the dark trying to find the source of the power drain.


Oww! I'm sure you could do it too! It just takes some time... I've been doing it years now... and with every new background I learned a tiny bit more :)


;D ...I feel sorry for Keen when that oppertunity arises...and he finds out the costumes are part of the holo-deck.


His plan will work perfectly right up until he steps through the airlock onto the catgirl ship and the holographic clothing suddenly vanishes. I'm sure he'll be able to make the best of being unexpectedly naked and surrounded by horny catgirls though. :3


Always interesting to see the work that goes into the creation. Thanks, Robin!