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I have noticed that Patreon sometimes has problems uploading and rendering images, sometimes it takes a long time and sometimes it doesn't load at all. This has happened to me, and some of you have also reported this problem to me. So I have decided to attach a download link to the weekly post. These links will be available only three weeks after their publication. This means that $10 patrons will have three weeks to download the image pack, $5 patrons will have 2 weeks and $3 patrons will have 1 full week to download that week's post. However, the images will always be available in the original Patreon post as before.

I hope this can help some of you to better see the content I upload! I had planned to make some kind of folder that only people with a Patreon account can access, however over time it will be difficult to manage all the emails correctly, so I think the best thing is that the download folders are not restricted so that none of you have problems downloading them. I do this mainly for you guys, so that you have better access to my content, that's why I ask you to please not share these download links. It does not bother me that someone shares some of my content with a friend who does not have money to pay the subscription. The problem is that there are many sites that publish the content of various Artists without giving them recognition, in addition to the fact that these sites are usually full of advertising and viruses. I know I'm not going to stop my content from being hacked with a simple post, but it was something I wanted you to keep in mind.

So what do you guys say? Do you want links to download .zip files from the weekly posts?


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