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It's been four years since my last female x female animation! (Not counting the Fridge competition) so it's good to get another out there at last. I would recommend using the interactive version for this one to get a better experience at the end scene. Oh and if you think the wet sounds sound like mac n cheese, that would be because it 100% is a recording of mac n cheese ;3  Biscuit and Fridge are voiced by Kittenvox. Thank you for all your support! <3




this otta be some of the hottest stuff you've made so far. Any plans or chance you could make a 180 video out of this to use for VR?


pouch of holding? Her hand goes further in than the distance to the bottom of her torso. Then she pulled an item out that clearly should have left a bulge or some sign it was in her pouch. This seems like a neat ability. Wait... does that mean she could accommodate an additional partner, using her pouch for some extra fun?


The interactive animation is not working for me, not even the previous one, it goes to load and at the end it hangs😥😥


GOD. That's just Top Tier ^^