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In the empty hall of the research center, loud noises were heard from the clatter of heels on the tiles of the floor. The girl walked uncertainly but quickly towards the passage through the turnstiles. Finally reaching the turnstile, she stopped looking at the closed passage. Taking a deep breath and approaching the guard in an unexpected commanding tone with an Asian accent, she said loudly

- Open the passage for me!

Charlie, the security guard who was on duty today, did not expect this from such a sweet girl, and at the beginning he was a little taken aback. Then he got up from his chair looking down at her and slowly said

- Passage only by passes.

She seemed to speak even louder, especially considering the echo of the empty hall.


“I shouldn't and I won't. And don't talk to me like that. I'm at least older than you and ...

- SHUT UP! LET ME IN! I need this professor!

- Oh ... What a mean girl. This is the first time I've seen this ... Listen to me girl.

- I'M NOT A GIRL! You'll regret it! Fuck! (she exhaled and began to try to speak calmly) ... Okay ... Okay ... Just let me inside and we will forget about this conversation

- It seems to me that you are not in a position to talk like that here. Who are you anyway? And ... did you threaten me?

- YES! And it's none of your business who I am! ... (again taking a deep breath, she finally began to speak more calmly). Okay ... Okay ... I'll wait here

Not understanding Charlie stared at her and watched as she looked for a place to sit, balancing clumsily on heels


Greg Stevenson, one of the largest financial investors visiting the Institute for the first time, Galiana was not impressed. Moreover, he was annoyed at what he was shown. He did not intend to get involved with science at all in his life and liked to invest more in the production or sale of something. He got here only because of the political program according to which everyone like him was obliged to invest in science.

All their presentations seemed boring and unprofitable to him, so he rather just wanted to leave here and, of course, save his money. Before leaving, he was caught by one of the professors. An immigrant from China and a very gifted scientist. He kept his real research secret and needed money to develop his incredible technology, the essence of which he wanted to tell Greg. But in his naivety, he thought that Greg was a decent and honest businessman who cares about the welfare of people and the country, and not just about his pocket.

He managed to drag Greg into his laboratory only because he was finally able to get away from other scientists who asked him the same questions about money.

In the laboratory, the scientist was annoyed to learn about all this. In addition, he learned that Greg is a terrible racist who hates Chinese people. All this greatly offended the scientist, who did not even have time to really tell about the essence of his invention.


- Enter this chamber? What for? You still won't get money from me! Haha. Okay .... Is this some kind of virtual reality? Won't you kill me, slitty-eyed ?! Huh. OK. So put on this helmet? Hmm ... Hey. This door is closing. Should I stand here? What are you doing over there!?

Greg's eyes darkened and his muscles weakened. But literally a few seconds later, he was able to see again. He was no longer in the scientist's laboratory, but at some student lecture

Nearby sat students from all over the world and turning his head to inspect the place, Greg felt a tickle near his neck from his new long hair.

- 有 没有 搞错?! (Yǒu méiyǒu gǎo cuò ?! - What the hell ?!)

Unexpectedly, he spoke in Chinese with a very high voice. The lecturer fell silent staring at him

- Is there something wrong miss ...?

- 都 错 了! (Dōu cuòle! - It's not like that!)

- Please speak English

Concentrating, Greg understood what the lecturer was talking about and began to think about what to say in English while trying to stand up and keeping balance on his heels, feeling a strange weight in the chest area and pressure from the bra straps on the shoulders

- I say that everything is wrong!

Greg said with a terrible accent and began to look for a way out of the audience. Suddenly a strong click made him close his eyes and grab his head. It was as if someone had hit him very hard on the head, but only this was pain from the inside. The pain was very intense, but very short, and passed as suddenly as it began.


The scientist's discovery was truly amazing. He researched the theory of infinite universes and had long been convinced of their existence. He has now successfully dealt with trans-dimensional movements. The capsule in which Greg was standing has already been tested successfully. Being in the cell, the human mind went to another dimension, taking control of the person living there and receiving all his knowledge in return for his own. It might seem like an exchange of bodies, because the parallel realities were very similar, but in reality it was not. The scientist himself experienced this by setting a return timer for himself.

For Greg, he chose a reality in which he himself did not become a scientist and lived a life as an engineer so that Greg could not find a way to return. The rest of it was all exactly the same. Even a copy of Greg was there. He sent it to the body of a Chinese exchange student who was about to leave for China.

After quickly completing the dispatch, the scientist, without hesitation, began to open the camera to pull Greg out of the camera. He already knew what he would say to everyone. Greg just suddenly felt sick. In fact, his body did not die and he became a vegetable, it will be difficult to prove the scientist's guilt. Therefore, it quickly removed the helmet from Greg's body, from which Greg in that reality felt that headache, which indicated that he was stuck there forever. 


Greg did not wait for the scientist and tried to threaten the guard several times. Cursing his new Asian accent and his looks, he nevertheless tried to appear as important and influential as before. The security guard's inquiries about the Asian scientist also did not give any results, from his answers it was possible to understand that there were no such people here and there were none.

Of course, this answer did not suit Greg and he demanded and shouted more and more often until the guard ran out of patience. He took Greg by the hand into the street, despite the fact that he desperately resisted, but the strength of his weak body was not enough against this guard

In the end, he decided to go to the hotel where he was staying as Greg and find out at least something there. He could have called one of his friends or lawyers, but all their numbers remained on his phone, which was not with him now. He could have gone to the police, but he dismissed this option right away, because no one believed him. It was necessary to find this scientist about whom he knew nothing at all. It seemed logical to go to the hotel, although he had no idea how to get to his room, but was going to act in a similar way as with that security guard. In the end, he had the right to enter his room for which he paid!


- Number for Greg Stevenson please

Standing at the information counter, the Asian woman calmly and confidently asked for the keys. The girl at the front desk calmly began checking the database in the computer.

- Number 573 ...

Asian woman stretched out her hand to get the keys

- Do you want something?

- Keys. I want keys.

- Um. But Greg is in the room. Didn't you know that?

- In the room?! How can it be?! It's impossible!

An Asian girl looked dumbfounded at the girl at the front desk and then, just as dumbfounded, stumbling on her heels, she ran to the stairs


All this seemed absurd, but when Greg took him to his hotel room, he opened the door for him himself! More precisely, his copy of which he had no idea since he did not know that he was in a parallel reality.

Unsuccessfully trying to prove to himself in a parallel reality that he is he only in the body of an Asian girl, it turned out to be completely impossible. For the first time he felt on himself his own terrible attitude towards people from the "lower" class and people with Aizat appearance.

Greg from this reality did not even bother to listen to what this stupid Asian whore was saying and chased her away with jokes by calling the hotel guards.


Chun Li is the girl in whose body he was now. She rented a small apartment with other exchange girls. Greg somehow knew it too, but he wasn't surprised that day. The thought that perhaps he should go "home" was with him even when he was at the university, but he did not want to go there, hoping that he would meet this mad scientist.

However, after the hotel and the fact that he was almost taken to the police, he needed to rest. Returning "home" he tried to ignore his girlfriends neighbors, who immediately began to ask about his day and other nonsense.

The first time he was in such a small, cheap apartment, he wrinkled his eyes from all this, although it was quite well tidied and clean here. But to Greg it seemed like a cesspool 


These last 2 months have been a real nightmare for Greg. In the process, he not only realized the hopelessness of his new position, but also changed in terms of communication with people and how they perceive him.

If in the early days he continued to behave like a rich asshole and treated everyone with a tasteless, then after a few days his tone ceased to be condescending. This happened for the first time after he had a falling out with his neighbors in the apartment because they needed some money to pay for the apartment, and Chun Li did not contribute her part.

In those days, Greg didn't care about Chun Li and these girls. He was actively trying to regain his old life and was on the verge of despair. He could not find traces of this scientist anywhere! As if this person did not exist. It would be easier if he knew at least his name.

All his knowledge of his life as Greg was kind of quick. He remembered all his life, but did not know the details - cell phone numbers, the names of his lawyers and friends, he could not even remember his phone number. Each time, instead of recollecting and studying the details, his brain gave him information from Chun Li - her phone number, the name of her best friend, etc.

Along with this, he studied information about Chun Li mainly from his own head and the knowledge that he received now.

She was born and raised in China to a poor family. All her life she worked and studied actively, at school during the day and worked in the evening. Going to university was one of the toughest challenges of her life and she did it. In China, she lived in a dorm room with 4 other girls on a bunk bed. Remembering this, Greg literally felt uncomfortable with these beds. Chun Li got to America under the student exchange program and had to leave for China in two months.

Therefore, knowing all this, he did not care about his neighbors and their problems. He sent them to hell. Everyone noticed the change in Chun Li's behavior and especially her neighbor, who did not like it at all. They were insistent about paying for the apartment and even went so far as to issue an ultimatum - if Chun Li does not pay, then she can leave this apartment.

Finally, psychotics Greg began to rummage through Chun Li's handbags and belongings in search of that "funny little money" as he liked to say back then. But he had only half enough and throwing this money towards his neighbors, he was going to go to his room, but they did not like this gesture and they asked him to leave the apartment.

Collecting his thoughts and realizing that Greg had gone too far with difficulty, but apologized ... But this was not enough for them. Chun Li gave only half and still acted like an eccentric fool, but they had known her for a long time and hoped that it was just because of some problems in her life. They eventually made up, but it cost Greg a tremendous effort. He had not only to apologize, but also to beg his new neighbors to wait until he found the money and not to evict him. 


Standing in front of the mirror in his bride's underwear, Greg could not believe that he was really going to do this. To marry an American for the sake of a residence permit and in order not to leave for China.

He could not even imagine that he was capable of such a thing. The thought of getting married so as not to return to China had been in Chun Li's head for a long time. And he received this information literally in the first days of being in her body. He drove the thought away. But gradually he began to think about it more and more seriously. Everything was great here. All they had to do was give their consent to Brian, the local boy who had a crush on Chun Li, even though they hadn't even met.

According to Chun Li, the attractiveness of marriage was almost in everything - she received citizenship and did not return to China and her husband was a weak-willed petty virgin, with whom it would definitely be easier for her than with some aggressive husband. These thoughts of Chun Li were alien to Greg and he diligently avoided poking around in these areas of memory. However, as the end of the school year approached, he thought more and more about it. Especially remembering how Chun Li lived in China, he more and more realized that he did not want to go there.

In addition, it would be possible to put an end to the search for a professor and ways to regain his normal life if he left for China. Of course Greg had no intention of sleeping with the Bryans. Besides the fact that he did not even consider him attractive as a man, he was still himself on the inside. And the thought that he would even have to somehow kiss or pretend to be another man already disgusted him. But it was a must for the wedding process. Especially when Brian announced this to his parents, who were completely unhappy with their son's decision. However, the wedding had to take place and be large, despite all Greg's requests to do it in the most modest way. 




She better change her attitude and have a bundle of joy with her husband if she does not want to be deported for having only a paper marriage.