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- What the hell? Is that hair ... chest ?! I'm black ?! I'm a black woman ?! What the hell is going on here?

In the first minutes after Alt Shift, Mark, like everyone else, was shocked by his new body and, like everyone else, tried to find a reasonable explanation and find a way to get his body back, but after the law came out that everyone should accept their new life, this was a fatal blow for Mark.

Not only did he become a woman, but he was black! Mark was a Nazi all his life and hated blacks. Before the exchange, Mark was a typical pumped-up skinhead and at the time of Alt Shift was in prison just for a fight with blacks.

When he found himself in this body, he could not tell his friends, who were just like him, about what happened to him - he was sure that this would not lead to anything good. But he could not remain in this body either. On that day, he just took some clothes in the nearest store so as not to stand out and left this place far away without worrying about whose body he was in, a passport and a woman's credit card was enough for him.

It was a strange week during which Mark was never able to come to terms with this body and was looking for ways to get his life back all the time, hiding in one of the motels near New York. Every day he woke up and saw in the reflection this pretty face with plump big lips and black skin. He looked down at his silicone pumped-up boobs and hated the look, so he just put on some kind of T-shirt, but he still felt those boobs and that huge ass shaking. The only thing he could do was cut his long hair on his bald head, so it was more familiar to him.

When the news about the new law passed, he only grinned upon learning it, but somehow people came to him who were dealing with people like Mark - people after Alt Shift. It was just a choice - either he continues to live like Gloria - a singer and instamodel, or he goes to a conversion camp in which he will be forced to accept this life one way or another. Of course, Mark chose the latter, he thought it would be just an ordinary prison, but he was deeply mistaken. It was terrible. There was not only torture, but they acted on him with some kind of psychotropic means, shocked him and applied the most modern methods of persuasion, and after a few months, which is long enough for the people who were in the camp, he left.

It cannot be said that Mark accepted this life, but at some point he realized that all his principles are stupidity and not worth such torment. At some point in time, he decided that it would be better to continue life like this Gloria than return to this camp again. It was a choice between humiliating his dignity, destroying his principles of Nazi principles and a conversion camp. Internally, he was still the same Mark - a heterosexual white male, but he was forced to take on a new role and behave accordingly. He still had a lot to learn after leaving the camp and he only hoped that they would not force him to completely repeat the life of Gloria, which he had learned almost everything about during his time in the conversion camp. In addition to the fact that Gloria was active on Instagram, constantly filming stories and taking photos of her ass, she was also a singer and sang in the choruses of rap artists. Mark hated rap like everything else, but now he had to pretend he liked it. There were those around him whom, until recently, he did not even consider as people, and now he was under the close supervision of the exchange police and had to pretend that he liked to dress in sexy clothes, walk in heels, do makeup and look beautiful for these rap artists and their followers on Instagram - on demand there were at least 10 stories per day on Instagram and this was a must. He went on stage with these artists and sang in the choruses, feeling like a stranger here. At these moments, he especially cursed everything. 



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