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Previous save files distributed via Patreon have a higher chance to contain invalid/incorrect data. The use of these save files may lead to bugs preventing further game  progress, and in some cases even cause game crashes. Save files made  throughout playing the game should have a reduced chance to cause such  bugs, although we advise you to save often and to create a new save file each time you save, so you can switch back to a previous save if you believe to have run into such a bug.

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Changelogs v.0.12.1:

- Fixed a crash when building the arena

- Fixed a bug with the sound in Aeren's final affinity scene

- Fixed some typos

- Fixed a bug where Hypno Dates were not giving affinity

- Fixed a bug with the affinity value when using an old save for Aeren

- Fixed Seilon's ero scenes not being in the gallery

- Fixed a missing finished for Zel in the gallery

- Changed some text instances with Aeren

- Fixed a bug with Aeren's bottle in the menu

- Fixed a display bug in combat with Aeren's head


- Changed Soren's name to Aeren

- Added the furnishing for the bedroom

- Added a tutorial for the furnishing when interacting with the construction table

- Added a portal in the throne room to access the bedroom

- The scrying pool is now in the bedroom

- Updated the renown shop with new rewards

- Updated Kostyx's shop with furniture

- Added furniture crafting recipes in the crafting room

- When training a character, you will now be taken to Cervius's bedroom

- Other characters can now watch when Cervius trains characters

- Additional furnitures can be unlocked by building rooms around the castle

- Added the bed to the bedroom (the bed can be used to progress time in the castle, only usable once between battles)

- The new turn animation has been updated


No Name

did ayers come out


Not yet, this update is a smaller update as we're preparing for Ayers who should come out in April (we initially planned to do a 3 months update but then decided to split this part and give it early)


Is the Arena supposed to be buildable? If so, when I click to build it the screen of where it is stays and I can't continue the game. I've built all the other rooms so far without any problems.


ok, that probably happened because of the map changes we did in the last update. I'll have it fixed for the next version. Thanks for the report ;)